Oriental D&D Books
Oriental Adventures
Title: Oriental Adventures
Code: None
TSR No.: 2018
Product Line: Kara-Tur (Forgotten Realms)
Type of Product: 1st Edition Campaign Setting
Primary Credits: Gary Gygax with David Cook & Francois Marcela-Froideval
Release Date: 1985
Cover Price: $15.00
Components: A 144 page hardcover book.
New spells: Lots
New magical items: Lots
New creatures: Lots
Description: This book contains complete information on oriental character classes, races, spells, monsters, magical items, weapons, and fighting styles. It was originally intended to be a generic oriental supplement to the AD&D 1st Edition Rules, but has many references to the continent of Kara-Tur. Since the 2nd Edition rules placed Kara-Tur in the Realms, this is really a Realms sourcebook.
Contributed by: Anthony Brooks
Swords of the Daimyo
Title: Swords of the Daimyo
Code: OA1
TSR No.: 9164
Product Line: AD&D 1st Edition, Kara-Tur (Forgotten Realms)
Type of Product: 1st Edition Adventure for various characters (see below)
Primary Credits: David "Zeb" Cook
Release Date: 1986
Cover Price: $12.00
Components: The module contains a Provincial Supplement which has detailed information on the entire province, from religion to the ruling hierarchy to from politics to military. There is also a color hex map of Akari Island, some pull-out NPCs and some character sheets for setting up character family charts.
New spells: None
New magical items: None
New creatures: Rokuro-Kubi, Utoyasukata, Yuk-On-Na
Description: This module has 3 adventures in it. The first is for introducing normal AD&D characters (levels 6-10) to the Oriental Adventures setting, the second is a beginning adventure for first level Oriental Adventures characters. The last was a continuation of the second, but takes place a while later, after the characters have gained some more experience. It is designed for 4-characters, of levels 3-5.
Contributed by: Aaron Ranta
Night of the Seven Swords
Title: Night of the Seven Swords
Code: OA2
TSR No.: 9186
Product Line: Kara-Tur (Forgotten Realms)
Type of Product: 1st Edition Adventure
Primary Credits: Dave Cook, Jon Pickens, Harold Johnson, Rick Swan, Ed Carmien, David James Ritchie
Release Date: 1986
Cover Price: $8.00
Components: This module features a color fold-out map of the city of Nakamaru, a master family chart, a glossary of oriental terms and an encounter construction booklet.
New spells: None
New magical items: Animated origami (shield beetle, bee warrior, vipers, pinwheel, leaping locusts, octopus); Enchanted cherry pits; Potion of spirit binding
New creatures: Spirit samurai, flying spirits, paper mantis, haunted arms, haunted head, haunted characters (ninja, samurai, wu-jen), krakentua (new to 1st Ed.)
Description: Control of Maeshi province in the graceful land of Kozakura balances on a razors edge. Lord Mishimori, your liege, seeks to swing that balance in his favor by having you recover a lost relic for the Sun Temple from the cursed ruins of Castle Ito, former home of the Seven Swords clan. A night of danger and deceit is foretold.
Contributed by: Eadric
Ochimo the Spirit Warrior
Title: Ochimo the Spirit Warrior
Code: OA3
TSR No.: 9195
Product Line: Kara-Tur (Forgotten Realms)
Type of Product: 1st Edition Adventure for characters of levels 5-7
Primary Credits: Jeff Grubb
Release Date: 1987
Cover Price: $8.00
Components: A 48 page booklet and cover with fold-out, full-color map.
New spells: None
New magical items: None
New creatures: Opawang, Ochimo, Harooga, Island Serpents, Stone Spirits
Description: Your family and those of your friends are deeply indebted to the Ko family, a clan of merchants from distant and alien Shou Lung. The Ko have been instructed by their emperor to develop an island possession to extend the Glorious Empire of the Shou Lung. The colony there is failing because of fell spirits and dire hauntings. The Ko family is calling in old favors to discover who is responsible for these evil sendings. And if the Ko have a problem, you have a problem...
So you and your companions and bound for the island of Akari, a small pebble in the Celestial Sea. There you will find a land rich in ancient lore and guarded by the sword of the spectral samurai - Ochimo, the spirit warrior. Yet this is only the first taste of the adventures that await you.
Contributed by: Eadric
Blood of the Yakuza
Title: Blood of the Yakuza
Code: OA4
TSR No.: 9203
Product Line: Kara-Tur (Forgotten Realms)
Type of Product: 1st Edition Adventure
Primary Credits: Dave Cook
Release Date: 1987
Cover Price: $7.95
Components: A 48 page adventure booklet, 16 page Encounter Construction Booklet, cover with fold-out, full-color map.
New spells: None
New magical items: None
New creatures: Men-shen (Greater Spirits), new to 1st Ed. OA
Description: This module concentrates mainly on the city of Nakamaru, a port of northern Wa. Additional source material for Wa is also included. The adventure itself consists of a series of plots woven into one (or more!) storylines. All in all, this is an excellent module, but requires a Dungeon Master with the ability to think on his feet, organize carefully, and who doesn't possess a dungeon fixation!
The module also provides useful information, tools, etc. that can aid any OA campaign. A NPC generator, with profession, personality, physical traits, and a Japanese name list; a NPC record form; and a couple of generic floorplans of a similar type to those found in the OA rulebook. The source section on Wa adds to the information found in the Kara-Tur box set.
Contributed by: Ian R. Malcomson
Kara-Tur: The Eastern Realms
Title: Kara-Tur: The Eastern Realms
Code: None
TSR No.: 1032
Product Line: Kara-Tur (Forgotten Realms)
Type of Product: 2nd Edition Campaign Setting
Primary Credits: Jay Batista, Deborah Christian, John Nephew, Rick Swan and Mike Pondsmith
Release Date: 1988
Cover Price: $15.00
Components: A boxed set including two 96 page books, 4 large maps and 2 plastic overlays.
New spells: Lots
New magical items: Lots
New creatures: Lots
Description: The Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting is a boxed set composed of background material, characters, topography, etc on the world of Faerun.
Contributed by: Eadric
Mad Monkey vs. the Dragon Claw
Title: Mad Monkey vs. the Dragon Claw
Code: OA5
TSR No.: 9242
Product Line: Kara-Tur (Forgotten Realms)
Type of Product: 1st Edition Adventure for 5-8 characters of levels 6-9
Primary Credits: Jeff Grubb
Release Date: 1988
Cover Price: $7.95
Components: A 56 page booklet and cover
New spells: None
New magical items: Monkey Head Talisman, Dragon Claws
New creatures: Mad Monkey, Dragon Claw, Yan-Mor, Black Leopard, Bauh-Yin, Haruogo, Stone Spirits
Description: The strict hierarchy of the Gods is threatened by the new and deadly dragon claw martial arts style. A monk has hired the PCs to help uncover this new evil.
Notes: The author wished it be known that the two new martial arts styles are not real, but merely made up. (Next they'll have a disclaimer that the spells in the PH are not real, either!) :)
Contributed by: Steven M. Latour
Lords of Darkness
Title: Lords of Darkness
Code: REF5
TSR No.: 9240
Product Line: Forgotten Realms
Type of Product: Sourcebook and adventure compilation
Primary Credits: Ed Greenwood and others
Release Date: 1988
Cover Price: $8.95
Components: A 96 page book.
New spells: corpselight, detect undead, undead mount, invisibility to undead, skull watch, spectral wings, mummy touch, revenance, ward against undead, death's door, speak with dead (wiz version), teleport dead, chill touch, disguise undead, hold undead, imbue undead with spell ability, spectral guard, undead regeneration, suburst, unlife, control undead
[NB: Some of these spells were later incorporated into 2nd and 3rd Edition PHBs]
New magical items: None
New creatures: Living zombies, half-wights, great wights, deinonychus skeleton, tyrannosaurus skeleton, greater vampires, lesser ghost, Oriental spectres (bushi, handmaiden), half-strength spectres,
Description: A compilation of undead-based adventures and lore, carrying the Forgotten Realms logo but not fully specific to that setting, this book is very useful to those wishing to add more "bite" to their undead. One adventure is set within Kozakura, and deals with Oriental spectres. The source material contained within this book describes methods of using undead, enhancements and alterations, ecologies, and so forth.
Contributed by: Ian R. Malcomson
Dawn of the Emperors
Title: Dawn of the Emperors
Code: None
TSR No.: 1037
Product Line: Mystara/Known World
Type of Product: Sourcebook (Gazetteer)
Primary Credits: Aaron Allston
Release Date: 1989
Cover Price: $18.00
Components: DM's Sourcebook (128 page book), Player's Guide to Thyatis (32 page book), Player's Guide to Alphatia (32 page book), two double-sided poster maps
New spells: bleach, colour, climate, create air, clothwall, fabricate [fabricate], woodwall, disguise, stonewall [wall of stone], ironwall [wall of iron], duel-shield, impersonate, steelwall, sleep-curse
[NB: This book was published for D&D. Certain spells were introduced that already have equivalents in AD&D and 3E. Where these appear, the rough AD&D equivalent has been added in brackets]
New magical items: None, but contains D&D rules for magic item creation
New creatures: Pegataur, Silk-spider, Zzonga bush
Description: Although concentrating mainly on the Mystaran empires of Thyatis and Alphatia, information is provided for the Thyatian duchy of Ochalea - an island realm of Japanese/Chinese influence. Character generation information for Ochaleans is also provided. This is of little interest to players in OA campaigns, unless they wish to introduce OA elements into a Mystara campaign or simply want to look at another way of incorporating Oriental elements into an existing campaign. More information regarding Ochalea can also be found within the three Poor Wizard's Almanac books (AC1010, AC1011, and AC1012).
Contributed by: Ian R. Malcomson
The Golden Khan of Ethengar
Title: The Golden Khan of Ethengar
Code: GAZ12
TSR No.: 9246
Product Line: Mystara (the Know World)
Type of Product: Sourcebook (Gazetteer)
Primary Credits: Jim Bambra
Release Date: 1989
Cover Price: $9.95
Components: A 64 page DMs book, a 32 page Player's book, cardstock 3-panel cover, poster map of the region including arms & armour diagrams
New spells: Renew [mending], feat [hero's feast], detect lie [detect lie], wind blast [gust of wind], lie [undetectable lie], command word [command], detect poison [detect poison], fellowship, pass without trace [pass without trace], trance, shimmer, spirit sending, detect curse [detect curse], hold spirit, invisibility to spirits, silent move, fate, summon herd, summon lesser animal spirits, vigour, commune with spirit lord, confound, spirit walk, strength of mind, sword of fire [flame blade], madness [insanity], spell turning [spell turning], summon greater animal spirit
[NB: This book was published for D&D. Certain spells were introduced that already have equivalents in AD&D and 3E. Where these appear, the rough AD&D equivalent has been added in brackets]
New magical items: None
New creatures: Animal spirits, greater animal spirits, spirit lords, evil spirits, nature spirits, undead spirits,
Description: This gazetteer deals with the Mongol-like people of Mystara. Although some of the source is Mystara-specific, a lot of it is only specific to the pseudo-culture being described (i.e., Mongols), and as such is applicable to any campaign using them (e.g., the Tuigan of the Realms). Of particular interest are details on culture and language (including a name list), shamans (which can be adapted fairly easily), and Mongol-like settlements and tactics.
Contributed by: Ian R. Malcomson
Trail Map: Kara-Tur
Title: Trail Map: Kara-Tur
Code: TM5
TSR No.: 9402
Product Line: Kara-Tur (Forgotten Realms)
Type of Product: 1st Edition Accessory
Primary Credits:
Release Date: 1989
Cover Price: $3.95
Components:One 26"x38" map of the whole continent of Kara-Tur, from the Hordelands to Kozakura, and from the northern swamps to the southern jungles
New spells: None
New magical items: None
New creatures: None
Description:This is a must have for users of the Kara-Tur setting. Not only does the map surpass those provided with the Kara-Tur box set (remember how annoying it was to work out all those regional maps and their relationships?), but it also presents the Oriental Realms to correct scale, as shown in The Horde campaign set. The map is shown in the style of early Forgotten Realms cartography, as found in the 1st Ed. Forgotten Realms and Kara-Tur sets, and all FR and OA series modules. The map fits seamlessly with TM4 Waterdeep Trail Map to produce a huge map of the Faerunian/Kara-Tur landmass.
Previous maps in the TM series include TM1 The Western Countries and TM2 The Eastern Countries (Mystara), and TM3 Krynn.
Contributed by: Ian R. Malcomson
Forgotten Realms Atlas
Title: Forgotten Realms Atlas
Code: None
TSR No.: 8442
Product Line: Forgotten Realms
Type of Product: Atlas
Primary Credits: Karen Wynn Fonstad
Release Date: 1990
Cover Price: $15.95
Components: 178 page book
New spells: None
New magical items: None
New creatures: None
Description: This volume covers the entire Faerunian/Kara-Tur landmass (but not Zakhara) in Karen Wynn Fonstad's typically excellent cartographic style, supported by descriptive text notes. The book concentrates on the regions covered by the early Forgotten Realms novels (the Moonshae trilogy, Azure Bonds, the Icewind Dale trilogy, the Avatar trilogy), but what information there is on the lands of Kara-Tur surpasses the Trail Map series, and, in terms of maps, the Kara-Tur and Horde box sets.
Contributed by: Ian R. Malcomson
Monstrous Compendium Kara-Tur Appendix
Title: Monstrous Compendium Kara-Tur Appendix
Code: MC6
TSR No.: 2116
Product Line: Kara-Tur (Forgotten Realms)
Type of Product: Monstrous Compendium
Primary Credits: Rick Swan
Release Date: 1990
Cover Price: $9.95
Components: 64 MC pages and 4 dividers.
New spells: None
New magical items: None
New creatures: Lots
Description: These 64 pages of creatures from the oriental Kara-Tur setting are mainly updates from the Oriental Adventures 1st Edition handbook. The collection covers creatures from Bajang through Yuki-on-na and has encounter tables for Kara-Tur at the back.
Contributed by: Anthony Brooks
Ninja Wars
Title: Ninja Wars
Code: FROA1
TSR No.: 9307
Product Line: Kara-Tur (Forgotten Realms)
Type of Product: Adventure for characters of levels 6-9
Primary Credits: Nigel Findley
Release Date: 1990
Cover Price: $9.95
Components: A 96 page booklet and cover with full-color map.
New spells: None
New magical items: None
New creatures: None
Description: This module contains a brief history of Aru, a layout of the town, and a description of the intricate political situation. There is a main adventure in here, in which ninja factions erupt around the Shining Temple of Bishamoy, where pilgrims come for the ceremony of The Three Thousand Steps. There are also mini-adventures, a list of NPCs, an encounter generator, and several brief adventure hooks.
Contributed by: Steven M. Latour
Ronin Challenge
Title: Ronin Challenge
Code: OA6
TSR No.: 9257
Product Line: Kara-Tur (Forgotten Realms)
Type of Product: Adventure
Primary Credits: Curtis Smith, Rick Swan
Release Date: 1990
Cover Price: $9.95
Components: A 96 page booklet and cover with 2 fold-out, full-color maps.
New spells: None
New magical items: None (see below)
New creatures: Sihira, the black hen (could also count as a magical item); two-headed giant poisonous snake; skeleton wong gua; zombie hai nu; the Earth Spider (unique; also described in FR7 Hall of Heroes); Diaman tribesman; giant swamp snake; Taring tribesman; Nung Dragon (unique); Pumice warrior; Ash soldier; Hovering head
New Martial Arts Styles: Four Keys, Iron Hand, Five Stars, Norayru, Juranfu
New Rules: Komite Fights martial arts tournaments
Description: First of a two-part epic (although the parts are disparate enough to run separately), the PCs travel to the southern regions of Shou Lung to uncover a treacherous situation, leading them into the wild valley regions of the Shao Mountains. Also provides additional source on the languages of Kara-Tur.
The language section is of most interest to those wishing to expand their Kara-Tur campaign. All major languages are dealt with, and a word glossary for the Lidahan tongue is included.
Contributed by: Ian R. Malcomson
Test of the Samurai
Title: Test of the Samurai
Code: OA7
TSR No.: 9258
Product Line: Kara-Tur (Forgotten Realms)
Type of Product: Adventure for 5-8 characters of levels 6-9
Primary Credits: Rick Swan
Release Date: 1990
Cover Price: $9.95
Components: A 96 page booklet and cover with fold-out map, full-color map.
New spells: None
New magical items: None
New creatures: Ch'i-Lin, Feng Huang, Krakentua
Description: The peninsula of Wa has been host to strange disturbances: disappearances, bandits and fell creatures.
Contributed by: Steven M. Latour
Horde Campaign
Title: Horde Campaign
Code: FR12
TSR No.: 9324
Product Line: Forgotten Realms
Type of Product: Sourcebook/BattleSystem pack
Primary Credits: Curtis M. Scott
Release Date: 1991
Cover Price: $12.95
Components: A 64 page book.
New spells: None
New magical items: None
New creatures: None
Description: An interesting, if somewhat esoteric, book for those interested in the period of Kara-Tur's history described within the novels Horselords and Dragonwall. It also provides information on the tribes of the Hordelands, additional to that found within The Horde campaign set. Much of the book is given over to describing the battles between the Tuigan, the forces of Shou Lung, and the Crusaders organised by Azoun of Cormyr, and some are presented as BattleSystem scenarios. Of more interest is the Osprey-like treatment of tactics, arms, and armour of the forces involved - complete with central colour plates depicting Hordeland nomads, and Semphari, Khazari, Shou warriors.
Contributed by: Ian R. Malcomson
Title: Realmspace
Code: SJR2
TSR No.: 9312
Product Line: Spelljammer
Type of Product: 2nd Ed. Accessory
Primary Credits: Dale "Slade" Henson
Release Date: 1991
Cover Price: $10.95
Components: 96-page book plus artistic poster map
New spells: None
New magical items: Rudder of propulsion, horn of voices, spectacles of seeing, urn of water purification, chalice of continual water, torch of continual fire, antennae of triangulation, bracers of invulnerability, sails of manoeuvrability, plate mail of continual cleanliness, rod of blind walking, masthead of durability, mage shot, lyre of the spheres, elmarin cannon call, magical shippboard weapons (ballistae, catapults, bombards, jettisons, rams, sweepers, turrets), Spelljamming ships (The Batship, Wa locust, Wa tsunami)
New Monsters: Anadjiin, Air Dragon, Chandos Fish, Anadian Halfling, Helian, Lavaworm, Oortling, Plainsjam, Garguantuan Praying Mantis
Description: This Spelljammer supplement contains very little regarding the lands of Kara-Tur. However, a short discourse on Kara-Tur ports open to Spelljammer call is presented, as is a description of Wa's Spelljamming concerns, along with two Wa'an ships (the locust and the tsunami). Not to everybody's taste, but if a mixed OA/Spelljammer campaign is your cup of tea, this book will provide something of a basis.
Contributed by: Ian R. Malcomson
Islands of Terror
Title: Islands of Terror
Code: RR4
TSR No.: 9348
Product Line: Ravenloft
Type of Product: Sourcebook
Primary Credits: Colin McComb & Scott Bennie
Release Date: 1992
Cover Price:
Components: A 96 pages book & a map.
New spells:
New magical items:
New creatures:
Description: This macabre sourcebook details the lost islands of Ravenloft - dread I'Cath, lost Saragoss, Timor and shadowy Pharazia, and more... each of the 9 realms is given a unique, unsettling focus, in a highly evocative manner that makes you want to dive right in and create new adventures to scare the bejeezus out of your PCs. For all levels, and recommended.
Contributed by: Darkseraphim
War Captain's Companion
Title: War Captain's Companion
Code: no code
TSR No.: 1072
Product Line: Spelljammer
Type of Product: 2nd Ed. Accessory
Primary Credits: Dale "Slade" Henson
Release Date: 1992
Cover Price: $20
Components: Three books ("War Captain's Companion", "Ship Recognition Manual", and "Combat Among the Stars"), several aids to Spelljammer ship-to-ship combat (reference sheets, counters, playing maps, ship cards)
New spells: None
New magical items: Lots
New Monsters: None
Description: As with the Realmspace accessory, this box set concentrates on the Spelljammer setting as a whole, with side-treks into other settings (including Kara-Tur) to illustrate how they fit into the grand Spelljamming concept. Of interest here to OA players are such items as ki-powered Spelljamming helms, an overview of Wa's Spelljamming fleet (with personalities, etc.), and lots of equipment, items, etc. that can be ported to even a campaign without Spelljamming to add a little spice.
Contributed by: Ian R. Malcomson
The Complete Ninja's Handbook
Title: The Complete Ninja's Handbook
Code: None
TSR No.: 2155
Product Line: Complete Handbooks
Type of Product: Class Book
Primary Credits: Aaron Allston
Release Date: 1995
Cover Price: $18.00
Components: A 127 page book.
New spells: face-blur, false tracks, find direction, lesser distraction, deepen shadows, featherfoot, age to destruction, detect the living, greater distraction, improved featherfoot, improved mirror image, shadow-form, sense treason
New magical items: Book of One Art, Book of One Manoeuvre, Book of One Weapon, Dragon fog globe, Dust of creaking, Feather tabi, Invisible ink, Painter in a box, Talking paper, Yami doko of Takeichi, Shouting humming bulb arror, Barrier bo, Self-loading chu-ko-nu, Loyal fukimi-bari, Gunsen of blinding, Gunsen of summoning, Kama of revealing, Blinding katana, Honour katana, Crawling kawanaga, Kiseru of smoke, Monkey paw nekode, Serpent-chain, Shaping stick, Hunting shuriken, Sawing shuriken, Explosive testu-bishi, Earthquake tetsu-bo
New creatures: None
Description: This class book concentrates on the ninja as a 2nd Ed. class, but also provides class information for shinobi. Also of interest are 2nd Ed. translations of many Oriental weapons and items of equipment and martial arts rules. Source information is also provided for "The Land of the Ninja", ninja clans, and spying/assassination organisations that are akin to the ninja, but are not necessarily Oriental-based.
Contributed by: Ian R. Malcomson
Domains of Dread
Title: Domains of Dread
Code: None
TSR No.: 2174
Product Line: Raveloft
Type of Product: Core campaign book
Primary Credits: William W. Connors, Steve Miller
Release Date: 1997
Cover Price: $30.00
Components: A 288 page hardback book.
New spells: aura of discomfort, zone of deception, corpse whisper, eyes of the undead, feign undead, cloud of putrefication, living ward, divine curse, ancient curse, tomb ward, Strahd's baneful attractor, augment undead, ground fog, eyes of the undead, mimic mortal, neverending nightmare, rain of terror, suppress lycanthropy, soul anchor, Strahd's malefic meld, misty summons, Strahd's frightful joining, Allisandro's binding curse
New magical items: A few unique items connected to the Domain lords
New creatures: Several (unique Domain lords)
Description: This core Ravenloft campaign book is not wholly of use to an Oriental campaign, unless some of the rules are to be taken (e.g., fear and horror checks) to create an OA-style horror story. However, one of the Islands of Terror, I'Cath, is connected to Kara-Tur and the OA campaign. See the entry for the Islands of Terror book.
Contributed by: Ian R. Malcomson
Forgotten Realms Interactive Atlas
Title: Forgotten Realms Interactive Atlas
Code: None
TSR No.: 11451-620
Product Line: Forgotten Realms
Type of Product: PC CD-ROM
Primary Credits: (WotC): Anthony Valterra, Elizabeth Katz, Kij Johnson, Kim Mohan; (ProFantasy): Mark Fulford, Michael Riddle, Simon Rogers, Linda Kekumu, Ian R. Malcomson
Release Date: 1999
Cover Price: $39.95
Components: Software: map viewing utility & 400+ maps. Free updates increase map count to 800+
New spells: None
New magical items: None
New creatures: None
Description: This PC-based interactive atlas provides full-colour reworkings of all maps from most of the Forgotten Realms products through 1999 - Kara-Tur, Maztica and Zakhara included. The maps are fully compatible with Campaign Mapper (from Core Rules 2) and Campaign Cartographer 2 (from ProFantasy Software Ltd.), allowing you to make changes, lace maps together, or add your own.
Contributed by: Ian R. Malcomson
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Last Updated Sat Aug 11, 2007