Letters From Home
Hurst Family Histories
History of the Hurst Family by Pearl Hurst
July 4, 2003
This is a history of the Hurst family as passed on to me by Pearl Hurst. She originally wrote it sometime in the 80's. This history of the Hurst family was told to Pearl Hurst by Perry C. Hurst. I've edited it to make the stories a bit more clear & corrected all the spelling/grammer mistakes.
John L. Hurst Timeline by Phillip Riley
July 5, 2003
This is a timeline of events in the life of John Lyonel Hurst I compiled.
Captain John Hurst Timeline by Douglas Quibelman
June 19, 2006
This is a timeline of events in the life of Captain John Hurst.
Letters of B. F. Hurst
This is a collection of letters either written to or by the Hurst genealogist Benjamin Franklin Hurst of Corydon Indiana around 1900.
A.A. Hurst to B.F. Hurst
September 11, 1900
This appears to be the first letter from Alpheus Augustus Hurst to B.F. Hurst.
A.A. Hurst to B.F. Hurst
September 20, 1900
September 20, 1900
This is what appears to be the second letter from Alpheus Augustus Hurst to B.F. Hurst.
A.A. Hurst to B.F. Hurst
November 20, 1900
This is the last letter from Alpheus Augustus Hurst to B.F. Hurst that I've got.
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Copyright © 1998-2006 Phillip Riley
Last Updated Sat Aug 11, 2007