A.A. Hurst to B.F. Hurst: 9-11-1900
Office of
A. A. Hurst
Probate Judge
Cleburne County
Edwardsville, Alabama
September 11, 1900
B. F. Hurst Esq.
Corydon, Indiana
My dear sir;
I am in receipt of the copy of the "Republican" giving an account of the Hurst reunion near Mt. Meridian. I desire to thank you for the courtesy. True, I have never known of the existence of so many persons by my name, still, it is a pleasure to know we are so numerous. I shall be delighted to have a copy of your genealogy. No doubt you and I might trace our origin from the same ancestor.
My grandfather William Hurst came from Virginia to Georgia about 1814 settling in Columbia County, where he married Nancy Scruggs. He was a soldier in the Indian War.
He removed to Butts County, Georgia about 1818 and thence to Benton County, Alabama in 1836 and died in 1852 in Talladega County, Alabama.
His brother John came to Georgia about the same time going farther south.
Two other brothers went westward from Virginia settling in Tennessee or Kentucky. Their names were Thomas and George. I have met a few of their decedents. William, my grandfather raised 9 sons and 2 daughters each of whom had a family.
My father Robert A. Hurst was born in Butts County, Georgia in 1819, came with his parents to Alabama in 1836, and married a daughter of Rev. Samuel Moore who emigrated from Anderson District, South Carolina about 1837. My father and mother live here with me. He is 81 years old and she is 75. Father walked from home this a.m. to my office, 3/4 mile to get the paper you sent me. He seems very much interested in the information gleamed from the account of you reunion. I am the only child now living of my father's family of 7 boys and 2 girls. I was 50 years old last March and have 5 sons and 5 daughters.
I will be glad to hear from you as to whether I have given you any names in your list, for I have long desired to learn something of my remote ancestors.
Sincerely yours,
A. A. Hurst
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