Ancient Writing
AD&D Second Edition
Martial Arts Variant by Phillip Riley
April 9, 1998
A variation of Martial Arts for AD&D Second Edition.
Runes and Runic Magical Items by Ian R Malcomson
May 21, 1998
I've got something of a write-up for runic properties for my campaign, which is derived from Saxon, Nordic and Celtic runes.
Real World Martial Arts by Phillip Riley
January 1, 1999
Real world fighting styles for your character.
Gaming on Karil by Kevin Wilson
February 2, 1999
An introduction to Karil along with an overview of it's history, faunna and flora.
Ithmong Campaign House Rules
Febuary 2, 1999
I can't remember who sent me this, but here it is.
Karilian Skills by Kevin Wilson
February 2, 1999
Includes skills, experience, weapon mastery and combat.
Karil Appendix B: Weapon Mastery by Kevin Wilson
February 2, 1999
Weapon mastery lists for Karil.
Karil Appendix C: Skills by Kevin Wilson
February 2, 1999
Skills for your character on Karil.
Karil Appendix F: Karilian Herbs by Kevin Wilson
February 2, 1999
Herbs on Karil.
Wounded & Weary by Michael Rudge & Crispin Bateman
Febuary 2, 1999
Used correctly, these new rules can add a lot of realism & excitement into your games, & it is always very satisfying to see the first level character kill the seventh level veteran warrior in the tavern. Just remember not to start pushing around those little novice adventurers when you're not wearing any armour - you could be an easy target.
Pithea, Goddess of Psionics by Sheryl Heil
April 29, 1999
Before the Time of Troubles Pitheia was virtually unknown because she was imprisoned by evil gods some five thousand years before.
New Psionic Powers by Sheryl Heil
April 29, 1999
Here are the psionic powers that are required to create psionic magic items.
Psionic Magic Items by Sheryl Heil
April 29, 1999
Psionic items are very difficult to create. Only a master Psionicists can create these items. They require long hours of concentration & a great deal of study.
Aldoran Martial Arts by Ian R Malcomson
June 21, 2000
Martial Arts styles made by Ian for his campaign world.
Expanded Archery by David Kloba
June 21, 2000
This article suggests a better method for conducting missile combat; four new types of arrows are also introduced.
Martial Arts by Unknown
June 21, 2000
Another martial arts variation for AD&D..
Martial Arts of Vadaris by Jesse Dean
June 21, 2000
Martial Arts styles created according to the rules in the The Complete Ninja's Handbook for his campaign world.
Oriental Adventures Second Edition by Andrew R Twyman
June 19, 2001
In the summer of 1994, Andrew Twyman first published his conversion of the original Oriental Adventures First Edition rulebook. In the time that I've had this on my site, I've had several requests for a printable version of these rules. So, I made a PDF of that conversion. Andrew was kind enough to write a new introduction for this publication.
Complete Ninjas Netbook by Phillip Riley
June 26, 2001
Also in 1994, I also created my first draft of the Complete Ninjas Netbook. Many changes have been made since then. This is the most current release in PDF.
Alternate Paladins
March 24, 2003
Seven new character classes follow. All are holy fighters of deep alignment convictions and should be played as such. Alignments, the entire basis of these paladin classes, must be played to the hilt. Punishment for deviations should be severe.
Conversion Guide
March 30, 2003
For those that have concerns over using modules published for the original version of AD&D with the revised 2nd Edition of the game. This includes old 1st Edition campaigners who are worried about the perceived time it would take to convert, and DMs who have never seen a 1st Edition rulebook in their lives, but would like to run a game set around an old module.
April 3, 2003
Terrifying hive monsters from the world of Magic: The Gathering, converted to AD&D. This download features artwork from Peter Hassing Christensen go to his web site to see more of his work.
Great Net Equipment List
April 3, 2003
Lots of items for your campaign world.
AD&D Skills & Powers
Martial Arts by Ian Malcomson and Phillip Riley
This articles describes how to use martial arts with Skills & Powers.
March 29, 2003
Notice Anything Different? The Perception ability score for your AD&D Game.
Classless Skills & Powers
March 30, 2003
March 30, 2003
This system, for AD&D 2nd Edition, takes the Skills & Powers idea and cleans it on up. It reconciles all the Option books and creates a simple, point-based AD&D character creation scheme that does not artificially limit your choices and provides a flexible, game-balanced way for you to create pretty much any character concept.
Oriental Adventures Conversion Manual by Phillip Riley
June 25, 2001
This is my conversion manual for older editions of Oriental Adventures.
D&D Third Edition
Martial Arts Feats by Phillip Riley & Phooka
June 12, 2003
Here are some martial arts feats for your Dungeons and Dragons character.
Complete Guide to D&D Pool by Karl Staatse
June 18, 2003
If you're looking for some rules for your D20 Modern game, here you go.
Kara-Tur Dieties by Talfinius
August 20, 1998
Kara-Tur is mainly dedicated to the Celestial Bureacracy. Think of it as a large govt for the deceased.
Kara-Tur Tour by Tim Martin
August 20, 1998
Descriptions of the main civilized areas of Kara-Tur.
Kara-Tur Timeline by Paul William Westermeyer
April 8, 2003
The following timeline was carefully compiled, but may be incorrect. In particular, I do not have access to the Horde boxed set.
How Many Spells Can a Spellbook Hold? by Phillip Riley
March 13, 2006
How many spells can a spellbook hold? It's unrealistic to think that a spellbook could contain an unlimited number of spells!
Easy Arrow Volleys by Phillip Riley
April 25, 2006
It's not uncommon for adventurers to be attacked by identical groups of archers, with each arrow doing the same amount of damage. Sometimes these groups are large, and rolling dice for each "to hit" can become really tedious and slow down gameplay.
Open Gaming
Festivals, Spectacles & Holidays by Phillip Riley
March 12, 2005
Here is a list of holidays & festivals to add a little realism to your campaign world.
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Copyright © 1998-2006 Phillip Riley
Last Updated Sat Aug 11, 2007