Appendix C: Skills
The following is a complete list and explanation of all available skills in this campaign.
Free Skills: All characters receive three skills at rudimentary level for free. This is in addition to the two skills received at basic level for free as a result of the character’s kit. They receive these skills according to their race:
Bounder | Feran | Grae |
Alertness | Hear Noise | Drinking |
Running | Climbing | Endurance |
One Trade Skill of Choice One Trade Skill of Choice Trade: Mining
Man | Slith | Weinan |
Climbing | Escape | Climbing |
Swimming | Observation | Hiding |
One Trade Skill of Choice Searching Foraging
Armor Type | Hand Skills | Foot Skills | Senses Skills |
Gauntlets | |||
Banded Mail | +25% | 0% | 0% |
Brigandine | +20% | 0% | 0% |
Chain Mail | +20% | 0% | 0% |
Hide Armor | +30% | 0% | 0% |
Leather Armor | 0% | 0% | 0% |
Plate Mail | +40% | 0% | 0% |
Studd. Leather | +15% | 0% | 0% |
Greaves | |||
Banded Mail | 0% | +25% | 0% |
Brigandine | 0% | +20% | 0% |
Chain Mail | 0% | +20% | 0% |
Hide Armor | 0% | +30% | 0% |
Leather Armor | 0% | 0% | 0% |
Plate Mail | 0% | +40% | 0% |
Studd. Leather | 0% | +15% | 0% |
Helmets | |||
Cap | 0% | 0% | +5% |
Coif | 0% | 0% | +5% |
Closed-Faced | 0% | 0% | +15% |
Open-Faced | 0% | 0% | +10% |
Hand Skills include: Climbing, Escape, Lockpicking, Pick Pocket, Speed Load, Stealth, Traps, and Tumbling
Foot Skills include: Climbing, Escape, Stealth, and Tumbling.
Senses Skills include: Hear Noise, Lockpicking, Searching, and Traps.
Languages: Characters have one native language to start, and may learn more, paying 400 XP for basic knowledge, and another 800 XP for fluency. Finally, the character may become as fluent as a native speaker (including the accent) for an additional 1600 XP. The choices are (only languages marked with an * may be chosen as the free native language.):
Trade Tongue
Northern Karili (Nasquian)*
Central Karili (Ketteran)*
Southern Karili (Ansonian)*
Ancient Karili
Silent Tongue
Reading/Writing: All characters may read and write in any language they learn.
Type: General
Attribute: Charisma
Difficulty Modifier: +6%
Description: This proficiency allows a character to assume a false personae. This may be for purposes of play-acting, or for very real, and very serious reasons. Imitating a specific person imposes a +35% penalty. If the character has both this skill and Disguise, they should add +5% to both skills (not their skill rolls.)
Type: General
Attribute: -
Difficulty Modifier: -
Description: This skill is used to detect ambushes and recover from surprises quickly. The character adds a number from 1 to 4 to their surprise rolls according to the chart below:
R: +1, B: +1, I: +2, A: +2, E: +3,
M: +3, GM: +4
Type: Cleric
Attribute: Charisma
Difficulty Modifier: 0%
Description: A cleric with this proficiency is able to find food, shelter, and clothing in return for the benefit of their wisdom and a blessing or two for their hosts. Obtaining food or clothing for companions requires a skill check, but using this skill just for the cleric themself is automatic.
Animal Handling
Type: General
Attribute: Wisdom
Difficulty Modifier: +3%
Description: A character with Animal Handling may calm mounts and pack animals on a successful skill check. Characters without this skill may still attempt this, but have only a 20% chance of success, and a 90% critical failure rating.
Animal Lore
Type: General
Attribute: Intelligence
Difficulty Modifier: 0%
Description: This allows the character to understand the actions of an animal. If the check fails critically, the actions are misinterpreted. This skill also allows imitation of animal calls on a successful check, and improves the character’s Hunting skill by 5% if both are possessed.
Type: Thief
Attribute: Intelligence
Difficulty Modifier: 0%
Description: This allows characters to judge the value and authenticity of antiques, art objects, jewelry, cut genstones, or or crafted items found, assuming some base familiarity with the item. A successful check, rolled by the DM, determines the object’s value within 100s. A critical failure wildly misinterprets the item’s value.
Type: Fighter
Attribute: -
Difficulty Modifier: -
Description: This skill costs 10x the normal purchase price. It lowers penalties for darkness and invisible creatures from -4 to-hit to -2 to-hit. It allows parries against unseen weapons, which is not normally allowed. However, a backstab still cannot be parried.
Type: General
Attribute: Charisma
Difficulty Modifier: +12%
Description: This allows the character to attempt to bluff. Situational modifiers will be determined by the DM. Characters without the skill can attempt to bluff, but may have hefty penalties.
Type: Fighter
Attribute: -
Difficulty Modifier: -
Description: The character adds +1 to saving throws vs. fear for each level of skill purchased.
Type: Thief
Attribute: Charisma
Difficulty Modifier: +6%
Description: The character is well versed in the practice of bribery. The amount to bribe and best way to offer the bribe is known on a successful skill check.
Type: Cleric
Attribute: Wisdom
Difficulty Modifier: 0%
Description: This allows the character knowledge of the rituals and ceremonies involved in a particular religion. A successful skill check allows the character to perform a marriage, baptism, funeral, etc. If using a holy scripture as an aid, the character receives a -25% bonus to the check. On a failed check, the ceremony is poorly performed, but sufficient. On a critical failure, the ceremony is completely flubbed and most likely offends someone.
Type: Thief
Attribute: Dexterity
Difficulty Modifier: +8%
Description: This skill allows a gambler to cheat at cards, dice, whatever. A check failed by 20% or more or a critical failure indicates that the character was caught cheating.
Type: General
Attribute: Dexterity
Difficulty Modifier: 0%
Description: This skill allows the character to climb vertical surfaces. The following are an example of some standard modifiers that may apply:
Rope Used: -30% bonus
Smooth Surface: +15% penalty
Oily Surface: +30% penalty
Type: Thief
Attribute: Charisma
Difficulty Modifier: +4%
Description: This allows the character to get a +1 reaction from a crowd of people, or improve the take after a performance.
Type: General
Attribute: Intelligence
Difficulty Modifier: 0%
Description: This allows characters to remain cool and controlled during heated arguments. They can engage in meaningful discussions, impressing others for either +1 or -1 to their reaction roll, whichever is desired. An individual debating with the character is caught up in the argument, and suffers the following penalties: pick pocket attempts against them are at -5%, their initiative is +3, and skill checks are at +15%. The debate may be ended by an unusual occurance or the victim rolling higher than their Intelligence on a d20.
Type: General
Attribute: Charisma
Difficulty Modifier: 0%
Description: This skill is used to contest the Detect Deception skill. Whichever party makes their roll by the most fulfills their aim of either hiding or discovering a lie.
Detect Deception
Type: General
Attribute: Intelligence
Difficulty Modifier: 0%
Description: This skill is used to ferret out lies. A liar with the Deceiving skill may contest it, otherwise a successful skill check may determines if a particular statement was a lie or not through a series of follow-up questions.
Type: Cleric
Attribute: Wisdom
Difficulty Modifier: +5%
Description: This allows the character to determine what ailment a sick individual is inflicted with, and what treatment, if any, is known to cure it. Rare and exotic diseases may impose a penalty to the roll, at the DM’s option. A critical failure means the ailment is misdiagnosed.
Type: General
Attribute: Charisma
Difficulty Modifier: +5%
Description: This skill can sometimes allow a character to smooth ruffled feathers. Depending on how angry the party the character is attempting to calm, the DM may penalize the skill check. If the character has the Etiquette skill as well, then this is increased by 5%.
Direction Sense
Type: General
Attribute: Wisdom
Difficulty Modifier: -3%
Description: This allows a character to either determine which way is north (-25% bonus if sun or stars are visible), or retrace their path through a maze or dungeon without the aid of a map (+25% penalty if the character was fleeing at the time.)
Type: Thief
Attribute: Charisma
Difficulty Modifier: +3%
Description: The character can disguise themself. If the character has both this skill and Acting, they can add 5% to each skill. The following standard modifiers apply to disguises:
Opposite Sex: +10% penalty
Different Race: +15% penalty
Specific Person: +20% penalty
Distance Sense
Type: General
Attribute: Wisdom
Difficulty Modifier: -3%
Description: This skill allows the character to judge the distance either to a visible location (-15% bonus) or to a known location.
Type: General
Attribute: -
Difficulty Modifier: -
Description: This skill allows the character to consume 25% more alcohol than the average person for every level in it.
Type: Fighter, Mage
Attribute: Charisma
Difficulty Modifier: 0%
Description: This skill is used to give a +2 bonus to allies’ morale until they fail a check, after which the +2 goes away, but they do not flee. If a second check is failed, only then do the allies flee. On a critcal failure, morale is reduced by 2. On a critical success, no morale checks will be needed for the coming battle.
Type: Fighter
Attribute: Constitution
Difficulty Modifier: +5%
Description: The character can perform strenuous activity for 100% longer for every level in this skill. Thus, a Grandmaster level in this skill would allow the character to lift heavy rocks for 7 times as long as the average person.
Type: Thief
Attribute: Dexterity
Difficulty Modifier: +8%
Description: This skill allows the character to escape bonds. If manacles or extremely carefully tied ropes are used to tie up the character, the character will need either a blade to cut the ropes or a lockpick to open the manacles as appropriate. In the case of manacles, a Lockpicking check is needed as well.
Type: General
Attribute: Charisma
Difficulty Modifier: 0%
Description: A successful skill check allows the character to know what actions to take in order to avoid embarrassing themself in a social situation.
Type: Thief
Attribute: Charisma
Difficulty Modifier: 0%
Description: This skill allows the character to invent plausible sounding stories or excuses on the spot. This won’t always get them out of trouble, but it can help when the character knows to, for example, act drunk and lost when caught wandering around areas they shouldn’t be in.
Type: Fighter
Attribute: Intelligence
Difficulty Modifier: +6%
Description: This skill allows the character to find enough food to feed themself in the wilderness. A +20% penalty is imposed on the character’s roll in types of wilderness they are not familiar with. This may also be modified by the season of the year and the weather conditions.
Type: Thief
Attribute: Dexterity
Difficulty Modifier: +8%
Description: The character may either create or detect duplicates of documents and handwriting. To forge a document where the handriting is not specific to a person, the character must only have seen a similar document before. To forge a signature, the character needs a real signature to copy (+10% penalty to difficulty), and to forge a longer document in a specific hand, the character needs a large sample of writing (+20% penalty to difficulty.) The DM secretly makes all forgery checks.
Type: Cleric
Attribute: Wisdom
Difficulty Modifier: -8%
Description: This proficiency allows the character to stabilize an unconscious character and keep them from bleeding to death. It also allows the restoration of 1d3 HPs if used within three rounds after a wound is received. If both this skill and herbalism are known, add +5% to both skills.
Hear Noise
Type: Thief
Attribute: -
Difficulty Modifier: +2%
Description: The character can attempt to listen through walls, doors, etc, or simply listen intently for soft or distant sounds.
Type: Cleric, Mage
Attribute: Intelligence
Difficulty Modifier: +7%
Description: On a successful skill check, the character knows how to prepare herbs to get the most benefit from them. Thus, if an herb normally heals 1d6 HPs worth of damage, an herbalist who makes their check can use the herb to heal 6 points of damage automatically.
Type: Thief
Attribute: Intelligence
Difficulty Modifier: 0%
Description: This skill allows the character to make use of cover and shadows to conceal themself. Modifiers may be applied according to cover available, etc. Rolls are made in secret by the DM.
Type: -
Attribute: -
Difficulty Modifier: -
Description: The character knows at least the basics of some aspect of history. For every level of proficiency, the character picks up information on one subcategory listed below, chosen by the player: History skill does not cost more as it goes up in level, it always costs 500 XP (600 XP for fighters) to gain a new area of expertise. Categories are listed in italics, and cannot be chosen as areas of expertise.
Ancient History
Discovery and Colonization of Karil
The Early Wars
Early Leaders
History of a Noble House (specify) one)
History of Inter-Country
Recent Developments
Local History
Specific Area no larger than 20 x 20 miles.
Magical Hisory
Ancient Legends of Magic
The Demon Plagues
The Crusades
The Enchanters
The Early Alchemists
Recent Alcheny
Church/Mage Relations
Religious History
Mythical Heroes of the Church of Three
Zariah, the First Human Prophet, and the Founding of the Church of Three
Svall, the First Grae Prophet, and the Founding of the Ascetists.
Seriss, the First Slith Prophet, and the Founding of the Rationalists.
Merideth, the Second Human Prophet, and the Founding of the Solipsists.
The Faction War
Recent Church History
Type: Thief
Attribute: Intelligence
Difficulty Modifier: +4%
Description: This is used by characters to conceal objects from a search. Smaller objects are easier to conceal, but more thorough searches are apt to find them nonetheless. This skill can be contested by the Searching skill.
Type: Fighter
Attribute: Wisdom
Difficulty Modifier: 0%
Description: This skill allows the character to stalk and bring down wild game. On a successful check, the character has managed to kill a creature large enough to feed two people for one meal. If the Animal Lore skill is also owned, it adds +5% to this skill.
Type: General
Attribute: Charisma
Difficulty Modifier: 0%
Description: This skill is used by characters to incite riots, enrage the peasants, and otherwise stir unrest. Conditions must be right for its use, and on a critical failure, the crowd turns on the would-be leader with intent to kill.
Information gathering
Type: Thief
Attribute: Intelligence
Difficulty Modifier: 0%
Description: This skill allows the character to gather rumors and bits of news from bars, guard barracks, and other such places on a successful skill check.
Type: Fighter
Attribute: Strength or Charisma, whichever is better.
Difficulty Modifier: 0%
Description: This skill attempts to bully and or browbeat information out of a reluctant NPC.
Type: Mage, Thief
Attribute: Charisma
Difficulty Modifier: +3%
Description: This skill allows the character to capture a target’s attention, usually with conversation or a "look." A successful check gains the target’s attention for one round. To hold their attention longer, a check must be made each round, with a +3%/round penalty to the roll. An intrigued target automatically loses initiative, or if the roll is made by 20% or more, is automatically surprised if attacked.
Type: Thief
Attribute: Strength
Difficulty Modifier: 0%
Description: This allows the character to attempt exceptional leaps, up to 6x their height. Pole-vaulting and high jumps may also be attempted. Armor and encumberance reduce the distance allowed, at the DM’s option.
Type: Thief
Attribute: Dexterity
Difficulty Modifier: +5%
Description: This skill allows a character with a lockpick to attempt to open a lock without harming the mechanism. If the skill check is made by 25% or more, traps on the lock might be evaded if they are of a purely mechanical nature.
Magical Lore
Type: Mage
Attribute: Wisdom
Difficulty Modifier: 0%
Description: The character is familiar with the basic practices of either the Alchemists or the Enchanters, their choice.
Type: Mage, Thief
Attribute: Charisma
Difficulty Modifier: +12%
Description: This skill allows the character to attempt to manipulate a target emotionally. The target must be intelligent, and the character must have spent at least 30 minutes getting to know the target. If the skill check is then successful, the character convinces the target to feel an emotion about someone, something, or some event, depending on DM judgement. A priest cannot be turned against their god unless they are already half ready to quit the clergy. Likewise, a tavern maid can’t be lured to bed without at least some initial liking for the character. NPCs may realize later that they’ve been manipulated.
Type: General
Attribute: Intelligence
Difficulty Modifier: +5%
Description: This skill allows the character to know the fair price of an object they are familiar with, and to be able to haggle effectively, on a successful skill check.
Type: Fighter
Attribute: Strength
Difficulty Modifier: -5%
Description: This skill allows the character to effectively use their strength to perform difficult menial tasks, or to coordinate many people together to perform a task requiring incredible amounts of force. A successful skill check gives the character a +2 to their Strength in regards to the task they are attempting to perform.
Type: General
Attribute: Wisdom
Difficulty Modifier: +3%
Description: This allows a character to chart and follow a course for oversea or overland travel (-25% bonus to check if sun or stars are visible.) The character may add +5% to this skill if they also have the Direction Sense skill.
Type: General
Attribute: Charisma
Difficulty Modifier: +3%
Description: This skill is used to attempt to gain concessions through force of personality during negotitations. When one party attempts to gain concessions from another, negotiation skill checks are called for from each side (defaults to Charisma x 2%). If the character attempting to gain the concession succeeds and the other character fails, the concession is granted. Other outcomes will be arbitrated by the DM.
Type: Cleric
Attribute: Intelligence
Difficulty Modifier: 0%
Description: The character has cultivated exceptional powers of observation. The DM may roll any time there is something wrong or unusual in the character’s environment to see if the character notices.
Pick Pocket
Type: Thief
Attribute: Dexterity
Difficulty Modifier: 0%
Description: This skill allows the character to pick pockets, perform sleight of hand tricks, palm small objects, and otherwise perform small actions unnoticed.
Reading lips
Type: Thief
Attribute: Intelligence
Difficulty Modifier: +12%
Description: The character can attempt to understand up to 70% of a conversation within 30 feet if they can watch the participants talking but are unable to hear any sounds.
Type: Mage
Attribute: Intelligence
Difficulty Modifier: 0%
Description: The character is famliar with procedures for poring through ancient manuscripts in search of lost knowledge. A skill check is made, and if successful, the sought after knowledge is found, if it exists within the reference books being searched. If not, the character may try again with a -5% bonus to the roll for each additional try. A critical failure indicates the character has overlooked the information somewhere and will never find it, no matter how hard they search. Each attempt takes 1d3 days. Modifiers may apply for the library being used, as well as the character’s familiarity with it.
Type: General
Attribute: Dexterity
Difficulty Modifier: -7%
Description: This proficiency allows the character to ride a riding animal. A successful skill check is only required under unusual circumstances, such as when an animal attempts to bolt.
Type: Fighter
Attribute: Constitution
Difficulty Modifier: +7%
Description: The character can, with a successful skill check, run all day. The character must get a full night’s sleep each night and cannot use the skill for more days consecutive than they have levels in the skill. Thus, a Grandmaster can run for 7 days, stopping only at night to rest.
Type: Mage
Attribute: Intelligence
Difficulty Modifier: Varies
Description: The character has knowledge of one of the branches of science listed below. Game effects will be determined by the DM:
Anatomy (+3%)
Anthropology (+1%)
Archaeology (+2%)
Architecture (+1%)
Astronomy (0%)
Botany (+1%)
Geology (+1%)
Mathematics (+3%)
Metallurgy (+1%)
Physics (+2%)
Zoology (+1%)
Type: Thief
Attribute: Intelligence
Difficulty Modifier: +2%
Description: This skill helps the character discover hidden and concealed things, such as secret doors, lockpicks hidden inside boot heels, etc. Characters without this skill may default it with a 20% success chance, and a 90% critical failure.
Type: Mage, Thief
Attribute: Charisma
Difficulty Modifier: +2%
Description: This skill is used to tempt a target with an appeal to a weakness of theirs. Something desired by the target must be offered to the target in order for this skill to work. Situational modifiers will be determined by the DM.
Speed load
Type: Fighter
Attribute: Dexterity
Difficulty Modifier: +3%
Description: This skill allows the character to quickly reload a pistol. A successful check allows reloading in one round instead of two. However, a critical failure results in the pistol going off and injuring the character.
Type: Thief
Attribute: Dexterity
Difficulty Modifier: +1%
Description: This skill is used to move silently. Situational modifiers may be determined by the DM. The skill check is made in secret by the DM.
Type: General
Attribute: Wisdom
Difficulty Modifier: -3%
Description: The character knows what’s what and who’s who in a particular town. They know which portions of town to avoid, and where to find the best inns and restaurants. This skill costs 600 XP for each town, and cannot be advanced any further.
Type: Fighter
Attribute: Intelligence
Difficulty Modifier: +2%
Description: The character knows the best ways to survive in a particular area of Karil (Northern, Central, or Southern.) On a successful skill check, the character knows where to find enough food and water for one person to survive.
Type: General
Attribute: Strength
Difficulty Modifier: 0%
Description: The character can swim. Skill checks are only made under unusually rough conditions.
Type: Fighter
Attribute: Wisdom
Difficulty Modifier: +2%
Description: A character with this proficiency has a chance to recognize familiar tactics being used against them and remember what the best responses to those tactics are.
Type: Fighter
Attribute: Wisdom
Difficulty Modifier: +5%
Description: This skill allows the character to follow footprints and other tell-tale signs of a being’s passage. Penalties may be applied for bad tracking conditions.
Type: General
Attribute: Varies
Difficulty Modifier: Varies
Description: This skill covers a variety of professional skills that can be used to make a living. Note that only objects created with a critical success may be enchanted. The character must specialize in one of the trades listed on the next page:
Administrator (Int +1%)
Animal Trainer (Wis 0%)
Armorer (Int +5%)
Beggar (Cha 0%)
Boatwright (Dex +2%)
Blacksmith (Str 0%)
Bookbinder (Int +2%)
Bowyer/Fletcher (Dex +1%)
Brewer (Int 0%)
Bureaucrat (Int +2%)
Butcher (Str 0%)
Carpenter (Str 0%)
Cartographer (Int +2%)
Cheesemaker (Int 0%)
Cobbler (Dex 0%)
Cook (Int 0%)
Dancer (Dex 0%)
Engineer (Int +6%)
Farmer (Int 0%)
Fisherman (Wis +1%)
Glassblower (Int +3%)
Jeweler (Dex +4%)
Lawyer (Wis 0%)
Leatherworker (Int 0%)
Miner (Wis +1%)
Musician (Dex +1%)
Painter (Wis 0%)
Papermaker (Int +2%)
Poet (Int +2%)
Politician (Cha +3%)
Potter (Dex +2%)
Sailor (Dex -1%)
Scribe (Dex +1%)
Singer (Cha 0%)
Stonemason (Str +2%)
Tailor (Dex +1%)
Vintner (Int 0%)
Weaponsmith (Int +7%)
Weaving (Dex -1%)
Writer (Int +2%)
Others as the DM allows.
Type: Thief
Attribute: Dexterity
Difficulty Modifier: 0%
Description: This skill allows the character to either follow a target in an urban setting, or detect that they are being followed in an urban setting.
Trail Signs
Type: Fighter
Attribute: Intelligence
Difficulty Modifier: 0%
Description: This skill allows the character to leave messages on a trail for characters who are following them and also have the trail signs proficiency.
Type: Thief
Attribute: Intelligence
Difficulty Modifier: +4%
Description: This skill allows the character to find and remove non-magical traps. Magical traps usually cannot be detected by ordinary means. The character can also, with enough time and money (and possibly an engineer) devise and set traps of their own.
Type: Fighter
Attribute: Dexterity
Difficulty Modifier: +4%
Description: The character is proficient in acrobatics. They suffer only half damage from falls under 60 feet (none from 10 feet or less) on a successful skill check, and by foregoing all attacks for the round, may temporarily lower their AC by 4.
Venom Handling
Type: Thief
Attribute: Wisdom
Difficulty Modifier: +6%
Description: A successful skill check allows the character to safely handle a deadly toxin or acid. A failure might result in the destruction of the substance, and a critical failure means the character has gotten it on themself. Equipment and circumstances will modify the chance of success. This proficiency defaults to 15%, with a critical failure of 85%.
Veterinary healing
Type: Cleric
Attribute: Wisdom
Difficulty Modifier: +3%
Description: This is just like the healing proficiency, except it is only used on common domestic livestock and riding animals. More exotic creatures may be tended, but with some penalties.
Weather sense
Type: General
Attribute: Wisdom
Difficulty Modifier: +1%
Description: The character is able to predict the weather on a successful skill check.
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Copyright © 1998-2006 Phillip Riley
Last Updated Sat Aug 11, 2007