Karil Articles
Gaming on Karil by Kevin Wilson
February 2, 1999
An introduction to Karil along with an overview of it's history, faunna and flora.
Karilian Character Generation by Kevin Wilson
February 2, 1999
Includes races, attribute generation, classes and kits of Karil.
Karilian Skills by Kevin Wilson
February 2, 1999
Includes skills, experience, weapon mastery and combat.
Karilian Goodies by Kevin Wilson
February 2, 1999
Includes technology and unusual items of Karil.
Karilian Magic by Kevin Wilson
February 2, 1999
Includes religions and magic of Karil.
Appendix A: Revised Equipment List by Kevin Wilson
February 2, 1999
Lists the equipment your character can get on Karil.
Appendix B: Weapon Mastery by Kevin Wilson
February 2, 1999
Weapon mastery lists for Karil.
Appendix C: Skills by Kevin Wilson
February 2, 1999
Skills for your character on Karil.
Appendix D: Mage Spells and Magic by Kevin Wilson
February 2, 1999
Spells for your Karilian mage.
Appendix E: Priestly Miracles by Kevin Wilson
February 2, 1999
Spells for your Karilian priest.
Appendix F: Karilian Herbs by Kevin Wilson
February 2, 1999
Herbs on Karil.
Internet Addendum by Kevin Wilson
February 2, 1999
This booklet is designed for use with TSR Inc's Advanced Dungeons and Dragons role-playing game. It was done without permission from TSR, and is intended to supplement, rather than replace, the AD&D materials TSR has already published. This booklet may not be distributed, either in printed or electronic form, without my direct permission. I give permission for Phillip Riley to distribute it, unaltered except for HTML conversion, from his website, as long as he does so free of charge.
In addition, I'd like to point out that I've taken ideas from several sources for this campaign: the herbs are from the net.book of Herbs, the equipment list is an edited version of The Great Net Equipment List, several alchemical products are taken from the Arduin Grimoire, or Geary Gravel's "Fading Worlds" novels, and vitae are a concept taken from Ars Magica. The priest spells are all in TSR's Player's Handbook, Tome of Magic, and Player's Options: Spells and Magic. They were originally reprinted in this booklet, but posting them to the Internet can hardly be considered ‘fair use', so they've been expunged. The Appendix: Martial Arts, was removed after its contents were no longer current. I recommend just using the rules from TSR's Player's Options: Combat and Tactics, for the Ascetics. Lastly, many of the rules and rule modifications are based on materials published by TSR Inc., Steve Jackson Games, and Ral Partha miniatures.
The way I run this campaign only allows players to choose from the kits listed in this book, and all characters must have a kit for each of their classes. Hopefully this booklet will give you plenty of ideas for your own campaign, or convince you to run a campaign in Karil itself. If you DO run a Karil campaign, I'd love to hear from you! I can be reached at: gkw@pobox.com.
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Copyright © 1998-2006 Phillip Riley
Last Updated Sat Aug 11, 2007