Appendix B: Weapon Mastery Charts
The range of weapons on Karil has narrowed significantly since the advent of smoke powder. Since there isn't much heavy armor around, there are few heavy bludgeoning weapons. Tastes now run to light swords and daggers. Shields have been abandoned, and pistols find common usage. The differences in fighting styles are narrow.
Broad Group: Blades
Narrow Group: Swords
Foil (10s) (3 lbs)
Level | Dmg. | Speed | Notes |
BS | 1d6 | 3 | P-1 |
SK | 1d8+1 | 3 | P |
EX | 3d4 | 2 | P+1 |
MS | 2d8+1 | 2 | P+2 |
GM | 2d10+1 | 1 | P+3 |
Rapier (15s) (4 lbs)
Level | Dmg. | Speed | Notes |
BS | 1d4+2 | 4 | P-2 |
SK | 2d4+2 | 4 | P-1 |
EX | 3d4+2 | 3 | P |
MS | 4d4+2 | 3 | P+1 |
GM | 5d4+2 | 2 | P+2 |
Sabre (17s) (5 lbs)
Level | Dmg. | Speed | Notes |
BS | 2d4 | 5 | P-3 |
SK | 2d6+1 | 5 | P-2 |
EX | 2d10 | 4 | P-1 |
MS | 4d6 | 4 | P |
GM | 4d8 | 3 | P+1 |
Narrow Group: Knives
Main Gauche (2s) (2 lbs)
Level | Dmg. | Speed | Notes |
BS | 1d4 | 2 | P |
SK | 1d6 | 2 | P+1 |
EX | 1d8 | 1 | P+2 |
MS | 1d10 | 1 | P+3 |
GM | 1d12 | 0 | P+4 |
Stiletto (2s) (1 lb)
Level | Dmg. | Speed | Notes |
BS | 1d3 | 1 | AP, P-2 |
SK | 1d4 | 1 | AP, P-1 |
EX | 1d6 | 0 | AP, P |
MS | 1d8 | 0 | AP, P+1 |
GM | 1d10 | -1 | AP, P+2 |
No Group
Blackjack (3s) (1 lbs)
Level | Dmg. | Speed | Notes |
BS | 1d2 | 2 | KO |
SK | 1d3 | 2 | KO-1 |
EX | 1d4 | 1 | KO-2 |
MS | 1d6 | 1 | KO-3 |
GM | 1d8 | 0 | KO-4 |
Pistol (25s) (2 lbs)
Level | Dmg. | Speed | Notes |
BS | 2d6 | 3 | AP, * |
SK | 2d6+1 | 3 | AP, * |
EX | 2d6+2 | 2 | AP, * |
MS | 3d6 | 2 | AP, * |
GM | 3d6+1 | 1 | AP, * |
Slith Fangs (Available only to Slith)
Level | Dmg. | Speed | Notes |
BS | 1d4 | 0 | Poison |
SK | 1d6 | 0 | Poison |
EX | 1d8 | -1 | Poison |
MS | 1d10 | -1 | Poison |
GM | 1d12 | -2 | Poison |
P+X - 1 free parry per round. X is added to the hit roll when attemptiong to parry with this weapon.
AP - Armor Piercing. Character gets +2 to-hit when attempting to hit anything wearing base AC 5 armor or better.
KO+X - Knockout. When used to backstab, the victim must make a saving throw vs. death, adding X to the roll, or be knocked unconscious for 1d6 rounds.
* - When a 6 is rolled when calculating damage for a gun, re-roll that die and add that to the damage as well.
Other Weapon Skills:
Each of the following combat skills cost one weapon mastery slot to purchase.
Fast Draw:
You do not suffer the +3 initiative penalty for drawing a weapon during the round.
Two-Weapon Style:
Your attack penalty drops from -2 with your primary hand and -4 with your off hand to -0 with your primary hand and -2 with your off hand.
Single-Weapon Style:
Receives +2 AC when fighting with only one weapon.
Both hands are considered primary hands for attack penalty purposes.
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Copyright © 1998-2006 Phillip Riley
Last Updated Sat Aug 11, 2007