AD&D Skills & powers Articles
Martial Arts Variant by Phillip Riley
April 9, 1998
A variation of Martial Arts for AD&D Second Edition.
Runes and Runic Magical Items by Ian R Malcomson
May 21, 1998
I've got something of a write-up for runic properties for my campaign, which is derived from Saxon, Nordic and Celtic runes.
Real World Martial Arts by Phillip Riley
January 1, 1999
Real world fighting styles for your character.
Gaming on Karil by Kevin Wilson
February 2, 1999
An introduction to Karil along with an overview of it's history, faunna and flora.
Ithmong Campaign House Rules
Febuary 2, 1999
I can't remember who sent me this, but here it is.
Karilian Skills by Kevin Wilson
February 2, 1999
Includes skills, experience, weapon mastery and combat.
Karil Appendix B: Weapon Mastery by Kevin Wilson
February 2, 1999
Weapon mastery lists for Karil.
Karil Appendix C: Skills by Kevin Wilson
February 2, 1999
Skills for your character on Karil.
Karil Appendix F: Karilian Herbs by Kevin Wilson
February 2, 1999
Herbs on Karil.
Wounded & Weary by Michael Rudge & Crispin Bateman
Febuary 2, 1999
Used correctly, these new rules can add a lot of realism & excitement into your games, & it is always very satisfying to see the first level character kill the seventh level veteran warrior in the tavern. Just remember not to start pushing around those little novice adventurers when you're not wearing any armour - you could be an easy target.
Pithea, Goddess of Psionics by Sheryl Heil
April 29, 1999
Before the Time of Troubles Pitheia was virtually unknown because she was imprisoned by evil gods some five thousand years before.
New Psionic Powers by Sheryl Heil
April 29, 1999
Here are the psionic powers that are required to create psionic magic items.
Psionic Magic Items by Sheryl Heil
April 29, 1999
Psionic items are very difficult to create. Only a master Psionicists can create these items. They require long hours of concentration & a great deal of study.
Aldoran Martial Arts by Ian R Malcomson
June 21, 2000
Martial Arts styles made by Ian for his campaign world.
Expanded Archery by David Kloba
June 21, 2000
This article suggests a better method for conducting missile combat; four new types of arrows are also introduced.
Martial Arts by Unknown
June 21, 2000
Another martial arts variation for AD&D..
Martial Arts of Vadaris by Jesse Dean
June 21, 2000
Martial Arts styles created according to the rules in the The Complete Ninja's Handbook for his campaign world.
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Copyright © 1998-2006 Phillip Riley
Last Updated Sat Aug 11, 2007