Appendix F: Karilian Herbs
This section describes some of the more useful herbs found in the Karil islands. The format is explained below:
The name of the herb.
Available: The season(s) during which the herb is available and how often it will be found in 1 hour's searching.
Climatic Zone: The type of climate the herb grows best in.
Locale: The environment it is usually found growing in.
Preparation: How long any special preparations for the herb take.
Cost: The cost of the unprepared herb. / The cost of the prepared herb.
Herbalism Modifier: This number is added to any herbalism checks made to try and prepare the herb.
Berzio Root
Available: Spring 15%
Climatic Zone: Temperate
Locale: Forest
Preparation: see lump ration
Cost: 35s / see lump ration
Herbalism Modifier: -5%
This rare tuber grows in the forest, usually near water. The root is edible, resembling a sweet potato. When eaten, it fulfills the dietary needs of the consumer for 1d3 days. Berzio root can be processed into a lump ration by an alchemist.
Available: Autumn 5%
Climatic Zone: Sub-tropical
Locale: Jungle
Preparation: 1d3 days
Cost: 50s / 300s
Herbalism Modifier: +15%
Blackleaf is one of the rarest plants in the Karils. It is easily recognizable by its blackened, drooping leaves. Unprepared, blackleaf has a very bitter taste, but no magical properties. Once an ascetic with the herbalism skill has successfully prepared it, however, it is used as the main material component in the 3rd level spell suspended animation.
Available: Spring 10%
Climatic Zone: Temperate
Locale: Hills
Preparation: 2 weeks
Cost: 80s / 100s
Herbalism Modifier: +10%
This rare, small, translucent succulent grows primarily in the low foothills. When crushed, it exudes a sweet, milky white substance with numbing properties. Properly prepared, dragontears promotes rapid healing and prevents scarring from wounds. Drinking dragontears can be fatal, as its numbing properties can cause choking or heart failure. (Cures 1d8 HP, always prevents scarring.)
Lotus, Black
Available: Summer 5%
Climatic Zone: Tropical
Locale: Jungle
Preparation: 3 days
Cost: 10s / 50s
Herbalism Modifier: +5%
One of the three known varieties of lotus, the black lotus gives off a gas that causes drowsiness, sleep, and sometimes even magical dreams in sentient beings. When a character gets within 10' of a black lotus bloom, they must save versus poison at -1 or fall asleep for 1d6+1 turns. It is very difficult to rouse someone under the effects of the black lotus. Filterfluff will shield its wearer from these effects. A plucked blossom loses its sleeping effects immediately, but can be dried into a powder that has the same effect as the gas when blown in someone's face.
Lotus, Purple
Available: Summer 1%
Climatic Zone: Tropical
Locale: Jungle
Preparation: 1 week
Cost: 500s / 1000s
Herbalism Modifier: +25%
The rarest and most valuable of all Karilian herbs is the purple lotus. When its sap is refined, it becomes the most potent paralytic poison known. There is enough poison in one preparation to force a man-sized being to save versus poison at -8, or be paralyzed for 1d2 days.
Lotus, Yellow
Available: Summer 10%
Climatic Zone: Tropical
Locale: Jungle
Preparation: None
Cost: 25s / 25s
Herbalism Modifier: -
The most common of the three types of lotus, yellow lotus is frequently used as a recreational drug among the nobility of the Karils. The stamen of the flower is placed under the tongue, and causes minor hallucinogenic effects. It also stains the underside of the tongue yellow. The effects last for about 3 turns, and during that time, affected characters are at -1 to-hit and +2 to AC. It is psychologically, but not physically, addictive.
Available: Summer 30%
Climatic Zone: Temperate
Locale: Mountains
Preparation: 1 hour
Cost: 1s / 2s
Herbalism Modifier: 0%
Angelica's root should be boiled in water for an hour and then drunk in order to relieve coughs. The plant can grow to a height of eight feet. It has a hollow stem and has large, broad pointed leaves at the base of the stem. It has a cluster of white or pink flowers at the top of the stem. The herb does not in any way act as a cure for any disease causing a cough, it merely reduces the amount of coughing.
Available: Summer 30%
Climatic Zone: Temperate
Locale: Plains
Preparation: None
Cost: 5s / 5s
Herbalism Modifier: -
This white flowering plant has black seeds and roots with a sharp taste. The root, when brewed, makes a hot, peppery decoction that helps alleviate common colds, flu and congestions (halves recovery time, adds +2 to Constitution rolls to prevent colds in bad weather).
Available: Summer 30%
Climatic Zone: Temperate
Locale: All
Preparation: None
Cost: 6s / 6s
Herbalism Modifier: -
A tall plant with small, bell-shaped violet flowers and complex roots that are black on the outside and white on the inside. Blackroot's roots can be applied to fresh wounds in order to promote quick healing (applied immediately, gives 1 HP back to character at once. This can be used along with the healing skill.)
Available: Autumn 40%
Climatic Zone: Temperate
Locale: Forest
Preparation: 2 weeks
Cost: 3s / 7s
Herbalism Modifier: +10%
These tiny yellow flowers will, if eaten, cause dimness of the sight for several hours. This dimness means that in full light the character will see as if on a moonlit night. This herb will let grae ignore their normal penalties for fighting in sunlight.
Available: Summer, Autumn 55%
Climatic Zone: Temperate
Locale: Rivers
Preparation: 2 weeks
Cost: 1s / 5s
Herbalism Modifier: 0%
This herb grows six or eight inches high with square stalks and short round leaves. The leaves must be dried for two weeks and then boiled in ale or wine. It is then applied as a lotion. Dittany can be used to draw splinter and bone fragments from a wound. It is also an effective antiseptic for cleaning wounds, and can therefore prevent infections caused by dirty water etc.
Dog Rose
Available: Summer, Autumn 70%
Climatic Zone: Temperate
Locale: Rural, Urban
Preparation: 2 weeks
Cost: 1s / 10s
Herbalism Modifier: 0%
The dog rose grows to about ten feet in height and has very sharp thorns. In spring and early summer it has pale pink flowers which turn into vivid orange seed pods at the end of summer. These pods must be dried and then eaten at the rate of one per three days to avoid scurvy in environments where this disease is common (ie, on long ocean voyages.)
Available: Spring, Summer 5%
Climatic Zone: Temperate
Locale: Coastal
Preparation: 2 days
Cost: 2s / 4s
Herbalism Modifier: +5%
This tall, blue-flowered plant with spike-shaped leaves is the base for medicines against nausea, usually taken in the form of a bitter-smelling and -tasting herbal tea. Eldaas is used to counteract the nausea associated with hangovers, motion sickness, morning sickness, and more common illnesses. (Adds +2 to saves versus Constitution for each level of potency the herb is brewed at, to a maximum of +6 - however, at this strength eldaas can cause dry mouth and constipation. Lasts 1d6 hours regardless of potency level.)
Available: Winter, Spring 15%
Climatic Zone: Temperate
Locale: Rural
Preparation: None
Cost: 1s / 1s
Herbalism Modifier: -
This plant has a thick root, with leaves that are white on the bottom and green on top, as well as showy yellow flowers. The root may be eaten in which case it will cause the recipient to vomit. This effect, while useful in removing ingested poisons from the system, will leave the recipient weak (- 1d4 to Constitution for 2d6 hours). For this reason it may be used as a mildly debilitating poison.
Hart's Tongue
Available: Always 10%
Climatic Zone: Temperate
Locale: Forest
Preparation: None
Cost: 2s / 2s
Herbalism Modifier: -
This fern resembles a deer's tongue, hence its name. When a single frond is eaten, it serves to immediately decrease the recipient's libido for 2d4 days. For this reason it is often of value to those undertaking a vow of celibacy, or who must be away from their loved ones. It does not diminish performance in any way, merely desire.
Available: Spring 3%
Climatic Zone: Temperate
Locale: Rural
Preparation: 1 week
Cost: 10s / 100s
Herbalism Modifier: +15%
This tree has round purple fruit, which are about the size and consistency of plums. When eaten this fruit will heal 2 HP per fruit. These fruits cannot be dried and will rot within one week of picking. However the juice of three fruits can be mixed with olive (or other vegetable) oil, and left to stand for a week. This oil has an almost unlimited life. Rubbing this oil into the recipient's skin will ease muscle pains, and also restore 1d4 HP.
Available: Summer 55%
Climatic Zone: Temperate
Locale: Rural
Preparation: 2 weeks
Cost: 2s / 4s
Herbalism Modifier: +35%
The effects of this herb last for two hours. During this time the character can function at negative hit points, or beyond the point of exhaustion. Mugwort can grow to be taller than a man. It has a stiff and angular stem, reddish brown in colour. It has deeply incised smooth leaves which are dark green on top and silvery white underneath. It has small, yellow-green or yellow-red flowers arranged in long spikes at the top of the stem. This herb is highly addictive. Repeated use is unwise.
Available: Summer 20%
Climatic Zone: Temperate
Locale: Forest
Preparation: None
Cost: 5s / 5s
Herbalism Modifier: -
A bushy climbing vine with tubular yellow flowers, the leaves and flowers of tempin can be boiled and made into a poultice that will draw out poisons from bites and stings and allow the wound to heal cleanly and without complications. (When poultice is applied promptly, gives an additional +2 save vs. poison, once on any particular poison attack. Also gives back 1 extra hp/day for the first 2 days after poultice is applied.)
Teriko Weed
Available: Spring, Summer 5%
Climatic Zone: Subtropical
Locale: Rural
Preparation: 1 hour
Cost: 2s / 3s
Herbalism Modifier: +5%
This small dark green weed is prized as a contraceptive. It must be boiled for one hour into an elixir, and drunk by the woman. A successful application will prevent 98% of pregnancies for a period of 1d3+1 weeks.
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Last Updated Sat Aug 11, 2007