Psionic Items
By: Sheryl Heil
Psionic items are very difficult to create. Only a master Psionicists can create these items. They require long hours of concentration & a great deal of study. A Psionicists must be at least ninth level to make potions & 14th level or higher to make Psionic items.
A straight Psionicists or a magic user can create potions. They use different chemical compounds to create the desired Psionic effect. These compounds are found in the brain tissue of creatures with average intelligence or higher. Only an evil Psionicists would use humans for this purpose.
Only Psionicists can create Psionic items. They require several new powers. These powers are, meld item, create intelligence, bestow Psionic ability, store Psionic strength points, psychic regeneration. You can find those powers listed here.
There are two kinds of Psionic items. One type of Psionic item is similar to miscellaneous magic items. They are in the form of rings, boots, pins, helms, & various other things. They are created using the powers listed above.
Living items are created to replace a body part. They usually contain only one Psionic power. They are made by starting with a petrified body part. Then you create the item using the described above powers along with the power molecular rearrangement. If the body part that the item is replacing is still there it will attach itself to the body in the space next to the living part & will gradually eat away the original body part. This process takes one to three days. After this process is complete the original body part cannot be regenerated or regrown. If the body part being replaced is already missing, the item will attach itself, & begin working in a few hours.
The following items are created using Psionic powers found in, The Advanced Dungeon & Dragon Complete Psionics Handbook, the Dragon King hard bound book, the Dark Sun accessory The Will & The Way & The Psionics Net book.
You will need these books to see what the powers are & how they are used. After each item created there is a power score given. That power score is made against the user of the item. If the user fails a power score check than the item does not work & no Psionic points or charges are used. The user may try again once each turn until successful. Each item lists how often it can be used an if applicable a duration of continuing effect. Once activated the user may control how long the item works up to its maximum duration. For example, if an item has a duration of 1 d 10 rounds the user may use it for two rounds or 10 rounds. Each listing also has a brief description of what the item does, & a page number is given that corresponds to the correct book in which more complete details about the power is given.
PS = power score
P = psionics handbook
DK = dragon king
WW = will & the way
PN = psionics net book.
Potions are made from brain tissue & brain fluid taken from creatures with average intelligence or higher. When ingested it stimulates the area of the brain in which the Psionic ability would come from, & allows the character to activate & use the ability. A character may take a potion up to eight hours before he wants to use it. If he succeed as the potion works just like the Psionic ability & lasts a number of rounds & then loses its effectiveness. When drank the user must make a power score check. If they fail than the potion does not work immediately. They may continue to make power score checks each turn with an additional + 2 bonus each turn. For example, the power score needed may be intelligence-2. On the first try the score is the users intelligence-2. One turn later the power score check needed would be intelligence. One turn after that the score needed would be intelligence + 2. This continues until the user is successful or until he no longer desires to use the potion. Potions are used one time & some will last several rounds. If the character wishes he may stop using the potion at any time even if it would normally work longer.
Absorb Disease: PS, Constitution 5. Will absorb disease for one creature. P 53.Accelerate: PS, Constitution 4. This potion has the same effect as a haste spell. Will last 1 d 10 rounds. WW 76.
Adrenaline Control: PS, Constitution 5. This potion allows the user to temporarily increase ability scores. Will last up to 2 d 10 rounds. P 54.
All Around Vision: PS, Wisdom 5. This power allows the user to see in all directions simultaneously. Will last for up to 2 d 10 rounds. P 33.
Animal Affinity: PS, Constitution 8. This power allows the user to temporarily obtain one animals attribute. For example, use movement, attacks & damage. Will last up to 3 d 10 rounds. P 50.
Astral Projection: PS, Intelligence 2. This power allows the user to project themselves into the astral plane. Works once. P 68.
Aura Sight: PS, Wisdom 9. This power allows the user to see others alignment & level of experience. Will last for up to 3 d 6 rounds. P 28.
Biofeedback: PS, Constitution 4. This power allows the user to control the flow of blood through the body. Will last up to 2 d 10 rounds. P 55.
Body Control: PS, Constitution 6. This power allows the user to adapt her body to a unfriendly environment. For example: extreme heat, extreme cold, or poisonous air. Will last up to 3 d 10 rounds. P 55.
Body Equilibrium: PS, Constitution 5. This power allows the user to adjust her weight to the surface she is standing on. Will last up to 6 d 10 rounds. P 55.
Body Weaponry: PS, Constitution 5. Will last up to 6 d 10 rounds. P 57.
Cat fall: PS, Dexterity 4. This power allows the user to jump like a cat & always lend on her feet. Falling damage is reduced by half. Works once. P 57.
Cause Decay: PS, Constitution 4. Will work once if save verses acid is failed. P 57.
Cause Sleep: PS, Wisdom 4. Will last 4 d 10 rounds. WW 77.
Cell Adjustment: PS, Constitution 5. Will heal up to 10 hit points of damage. P 57.
Chameleon Power: PS, Constitution 3. Will last up to 3 d 10 rounds. P 58.
Chemical Simulation: PS, Constitution 6. Will last up to 1 d 10 rounds. P 58.
Combat Mind: PS, Intelligence 6. Usable in one battle. P 33.
Compact: PS, Wisdom 3. Will work on up to 10 cubic feet of material & will stay compact for up to 24 hours. DK 141.
Complete Healing: PS, Constitution 4. Will work once but it will cause character to become unconscious for 24 hours. P 50.
Conceal Thoughts: PS, Wisdom 2. Will last 3 d 10 rounds. P 80.
Control Aging: PS, Constitution 10. Will age you 2-5 years or youth you 1-3 years. Self use only. PN 14.
Cyrokinesis: PS, Wisdom 2. Will last for 1 D 4 rounds. WW 72.
Danger Sense: PS, Wisdom 5. Will last up to 6 d 10 rounds. P 33.
Death Field: PS, Constitution 12. Will work one time. P 52.
Detection: PS, Wisdom 6. Will work for 3 d 10 rounds. WW 66.
Dimension Door: PS, Constitution 3. Works once. P 69.
Dimension Walk: PS, Constitution 4. Works once. P 69.
Displacement: PS, Constitution 5. Will last up to 3 d 10 rounds. P 58.
Double Pain: PS, Constitution 5. Will work once but you must touch victim. P59.
Dream Travel: PS, Wisdom 6. Works once. P 70.
Duo Dimension: PS, Constitution 4. Will last for 1 d 10 rounds. WW 82.
Ectoplasmic Form: PS, Constitution 6. Will last up to 3 d 10 rounds. P 59.
Ejection: PS, Wisdom 8. Will eject one forced contact from your mind. P 74.
Energy Containment: PS, Constitution 7. Will last up to 3 d 10 rounds. P 52.
Enhanced Strength: PS, Wisdom 5. Will add 1 d 6 points to strength score & it will last for 4 d 10 rounds. P 59.
Environment: PS, Intelligence 4. Find one item. DK 139.
Ethereal Traveler: PS, Wisdom 6. Will last up to 3 d 10 rounds. DK 147.
Expansion: PS, Constitution 4. Will last for 3 d 10 rounds. P 60.
Feel Light: PS Wisdom 7. Will last for up to 3 d 10 rounds. P 34.
Feel Moisture: PS, Wisdom 5. Will work for 1 d 10 rounds. DK 139.
Feel Radiation: PS, Wisdom 6. Will last for up to 1 d 10 rounds. PN 3.
Feel Sound: PS, Wisdom 7. Will last 2 d 10 rounds. P 34. Pick
Fighting Trance: PS, Wisdom 3. Lasts 1 d 10 rounds. WW 91.
Flesh Armor: PS, Constitution 5. Will last for 3 d 10 rounds. P 60.
Forced Symmetry: PS, Intelligence 4. Will work on one person one time. DK 144.
Fortitude: PS, Constitution 10. Will last for up to 1 d 6 rounds. PN 15.
Graft Weapon: PS, Constitution 7. Will last for 3 d 10 rounds. P 60.
Heightened Senses: PS, Constitution 2. Will last 4 d 10 rounds. P 61.
Hear Light: PS, Wisdom 7. Will last up to 3 d 10 rounds. P 34.
Immovability: PS, Constitution 7. Will last for up to 1 d 10 rounds. P 61.
Iron Will: PS, Wisdom 2. Will last 2 d 10 rounds. WW 91.
Kinetic Control: PS, Intelligence 7. Will last for 1 d 10 rounds. WW 69.
Know Course: PS, Intelligence 4. Will last for up to 12 hours. WW 68.
Know Direction: PS Intelligence 2. Always works one time. P 34.
Know Location: PS, Intelligence 2. Works one time. P 36.
Lend Health: PS, Constitution 3. Will function once. P 62.
Life Detection: PS, Intelligence 4. Will last 3 d 10 rounds. P 87.
Life Draining: PS, Constitution 7. Will last up to 1 d 10 rounds. P 52.
Magnetize: PS, Intelligence 3. Will work on one item. WW 72.
Metamorphis: PS Constitution 10. Will last up to 6 d 10 rounds. P 53.
Mind Bar: PS, Intelligence 3. Will last 3 d 10 rounds. P 88.
Mind Over Body: PS, Wisdom 5. Works once. P 62.
Mysterious Traveler: PS, Wisdom 3. Will affect up to 50 creatures. DK 151.
Object Reading: PS, Wisdom 8. Will read one item. P 31.
Phase: PS, Wisdom 3. Will last up to 1 d 12 rounds. WW 82.
Photosynthesis: PS, Constitution 1. Will lest for 6 d 10 rounds. Must be in direct sunlight for healing to occur. WW 77.
Population Finder: PS, Intelligence 4. Lasts for 1 d 10 rounds. PN 4.
Precognition: PS, Wisdom 8. Able to tell one possible outcome. P 31.
Probability Manipulation: PS, Intelligence 6. Works one time. WW 91.
Probability Travel: PS, Intelligence 4. Works once. P 64.
Psionic Residue: PS, Wisdom 5. Will work one time. DK 153.
Radial Navigation: PS, Intelligence 5. Will last up to 12 hours. P 36.
Read Portrait: PS, Wisdom 10. Works once. PN 1.
Reduction: PS, Constitution 4. Works one time. P 62.
Return Flight: PS, Constitution 3. Return up to 5 missiles. DK 146.
See Ethereal: PS, Wisdom 7. Will last for 4 d 10 rounds. WW 68.
See Heat: PS, Wisdom 5. Will last 2 d 10 rounds. PN 4.
See Magic: PS, Wisdom 5. Will last for 3 d 10 rounds. WW 68.
See Sound: PS, Wisdom 5. Lasts 3 d 10 rounds. P 37.
Sensitivity to Observation: PS, Wisdom 2. Will last for 24 hours. WW 69.
Sensitivity to Psychic Impressions: PS, Wisdom 7. Use one time. P 32.
Shadow Form: PS, Constitution 10. Will last up to 4 d 10 rounds. P 53.
Share Strength: PS, Constitution 6. Will work one time with one other character. P 63.
Spatial Distortion: PS, Intelligence 6. Can affect up to 100 cubic feet of area. Effects will last up to 3 d 4 rounds. WW 83.
Spider Touch: PS, Dexterity 3. Will last for 2 d 10 rounds. WW 77.
Spirit Sense: PS, Wisdom 5. Works one time. P 37.
Subjective Reality: PS, Wisdom 9. Lasts for 1d8 rounds. WW 89.
Suppress Fear: PS, Wisdom 3. Works once. WW 88.
Suppress Magic: PS, Constitution 8. Lasts for 1d8 rounds. WW 89.
Suspend Animation: PS, Constitution 5. Will last 3 d 10 rounds. P 63.
Teleport: PS, Intelligence 4. Works once. P 67.
Time Shift: PS, Intelligence 2. Works once. P 72.
Time Space Anchor: PS Intelligence 2. Will last for 3 d 10 rounds. P 73.
Touch Sight: PS, Wisdom 4. Lasts for up to 6 d 10 rounds. PN 5.
True Worship: PS, Wisdom 3. Works once. DK 152.
Watchers Ward: PS, Intelligence 4. Will last for 24 hours. WW 69.
The following is a list of rings & earrings that have been made into Psionic items. Most of them work for a certain number of times each day & then they cease to function until the following day. Some have charges like a wand & must be recharge. If the charges go to 0 the item loses its Psionic ability forever. Psionic rings adjust to fit their new character. Earrings have a 9 in 10 chance of being pierced. The other 10 percent are the clip on kind.
Earring of Conceal Thoughts: PS, Wisdom 2. Has up to 100 charges. Each charge will last up to 2 d 10 rounds. P 80.
Earring of Dimension Blade: PS, Constitution 3. Will work twice a day for up to 1 d 8 rounds. WW 81.
Earring of Equilibrium Disruption: PS, Wisdom 6. Will work twice a day for 1 d 10 rounds. PN 36.
Earring of Fighting Trance: PS, Wisdom 3. Has up to 100 charges. Each charge will last up to 1 d 10 rounds. WW 91.
Earring of Impossible Task: PS, Wisdom 3. Will work on up to 3 intelligent creatures & will last for up to 4 days. Then one day´s rest is required for the earring to recharge. DK 151.
Earring of Mind Bar: PS, Intelligence 4. Will work 3 times a day for 2 d 10 rounds. P 88.
Earring of Psychic Crush: PS, Wisdom 8. Will work 6 times a day. P 76.
Earring of Psychic Messenger: PS, Constitution 6. Will work 5 times a day & last 1 d 10 rounds. P 90.
Earring of Telekinetic Barrier: PS, Constitution 7. Has up to 100 charges. Each charge will last 2 d 10 rounds. WW 71.
Earring of Teleport Other: PS, Intelligence 6. Has up to 25 charges. P 68.
Earring of Teleport Trigger: PS, Wisdom 6. Has up to 50 charges. P 72.
Earring of Thought Shield: PS, Wisdom 2. Has 100 charges. Expends a charge when you are probed against your will. P 92.
Ring of All Around Vision: PS, Wisdom 5. Will work 3 times a day & will last 1 d 10 rounds. P 33.
Ring of Double Pain: PS, Constitution 5. Has 100 charges. Have to touch victim. P 59.
Ring of Ego Whip: PS, Wisdom 7. Works 3 times a day. P 83.
Ring of Feel Moisture: PS, Wisdom 5. Has up to 100 charges. Each charge will last 1 d 10 rounds. DK 139.
Ring of Feel Sound: PS, Wisdom 5. Will work 5 times a day & last 1 d 10 rounds. P 34.
Ring of Induce Pleasure: PS, Constitution 4. Will work 3 times a day for 1 d 10 rounds. PN 37.
Ring of Inertia Barrier: PS, Constitution 5. Will work 3 times each day & last 1 d 10 rounds. P 46.
Ring of Intellect Fortress: PS, Wisdom 5. Has 100 charges. P 86.
Ring of Jolt: PS, Constitution 5. Has up to 100 charges. Each charge does 1 d 10 points of damage. PN 19.
Ring of Life Draining: PS, Constitution 7. Will work 3 times a day for 1 d 6 rounds. P 52.
Ring of Mass Domination: PS, Wisdom 10. Has up to 50 charges. Can hold up to 5 victims at a time. Will stay dominated for up to 1 d 6 rounds. Can use one charge for each attack the character is allowed. P 75.
Ring of Phobia Amplification: PS, Wisdom 4. Will work 4 times a day & last 2 d 10 rounds. P 89.
Ring of Psionic Vampirism: PS, Wisdom 5. Will work 3 times a day for 1 d 4 rounds. Psionicists only item. WW 92.
Ring of Sensory Suppression: PS, Intelligence 4. Will function up to 3 times a day & last for 1 d 6 rounds. WW 88.
Ring of Sight Link: PS, Constitution 5. Works up to 5 times a day & last 1 d 10 rounds. P 91.
Ring of Sound Link: PS, Constitution 4. Will work 5 times a day for 2 d 10 rounds. P 91.
Ring of Spatial Distortion: PS, Intelligence 6. Can have up to 50 charges. Each charge can affect up to 60 cubic feet & can last 1 d 6 rounds. WW 83.
Ring of Strength of the Land: PS, Constitution 4. Will function 3 times a day & will last for up to 2 d 10 rounds. DK 147.
Ring of Suspend Animation: PS, Constitution 4. Will work 3 times a day & last 1 d 10 rounds. P 63.
These items are extremely rare. There are only a few in existence anywhere. They are extremely valuable.
Book of Extended Study: This item gives a Psionicists one extra science & two devotions under the same discipline. This book takes one week plus 1 d 10 days to read & understand. The sciences & devotions are decided by the D M & can be chosen at random by using the wild talent chart in the Psionicists handbook. Only one of the books can be read by any one Psionicists.
Manual of Concentration: This book takes two weeks plus one d 10 days to read & understand. When fully read the book allows the Psionicists to advance one level. A Psionicists can only read one of these books in their lifetime. After being read the book loses its Psionic ability.
Tome of Psionic Enhancement: This book allows a character to gain a wild talent. A character must have an intelligence of 13 or higher to understand the book. They must spend one d 4 weeks studying the book. Then the D M roles on the wild talent chart to see what the character gained. Reading the same book twice has no effect. No more than two wild talents can be gained this way. Five characters can read each tome & then it loses its Psionic power.
Stones are very rare. They usually have charges & are destroyed once the charges are used up. They usually can't be recharged.
Stones of Ballistic Attack: PS, Constitution 4. These stones come in groups of 1 to 4. Each stone does 1 d 6 points of damage. They do not require charges. You can throw 1 per round for each attack that you have. The owner will always know where to find the stones after he has thrown them. P 42.
Stone of Complete Healing: PS, Constitution 4. The stone has 100 charges then it ceases to function. The stone is placed in the hand of the person to be healed. They make a power check & if the check succeed than they become unconscious for 24 hours. When they awake they are completely heeled. P 50.
Stone of Control Aging: PS, Constitution 10. This item has up to 100 charges then it looses its Psionic power. Each charge will last up to 1 d 10 rounds. The effects of each charge fire 2-5 years per round of aging, or 1-3 years per round of youthing. PN 14.
Stone of Opposite Reaction: PS, Constitution 3. This item can work up to 20 times per day. DK 142.
Stone of Probability Manipulation: PS, Intelligence 6. Will work 10 times per day. WW 91.
Stone of Return Flight: PS, Constitution 3. This item uses charges & may have up to 100. DK 146.
Stone of Watchers Ward: PS, Intelligence 4. This item can be used once each day & will last for 12 hours. WW 69.
Bottles are extremely rare. They are even more rare than stones. Only one has been created so far & it is listed below.
Bottle of Control Fluid: PS, Constitution 6. Will function twice a day & last 1 d 4 rounds each time. PN 7.
These items can take a long time to create because they require so many charges. To determine charges consult the D M G. Of Most of these items has one specific Psionic ability & expends charges.
Rod of Animate Object: PS, Intelligence 5. Can only try once on one item. P 42.
Rod of Energy Containment: PS, Constitution 7. Uses charges. P 52.
Rod of Interchange: PS, Intelligence 5. Save vs. paralization to avoid effect. PN 23.
Rod of Know Direction: No power check required. This item will always point north at the owner´s desire. No charges. P 34.
Rod of Mold Earth: PS, Constitution 8. One charge is used for each 10 cubic feet of earth. PN 10.
Rod of Perpetual Motion: PS, Constitution 8. Can have up to 40 charges & each charge can last 1 d 6 rounds. PN 6.
Rod of Radial Navigation: PS, Intelligence 5. Can only the activated once in a 24 hour period. P 36.
Rod of Transparency: PS, Intelligence 8. Each charge will last for 1 d 6 rounds. PN 13.
Rod of Velocity Control: PS, Intelligence 6. Has up to 40 charges. PN 13.
Staff of Cell Adjustment: PS, Constitution 5. Will heal 10 points of damage up to 5 times each day without expending any charges. Using the staff more than that expends a charge. P 57.
Staff of Identity Penetration: PS, Wisdom 5. Can hold up to 50 charges. P 85.
Staff of Know Location: PS, Intelligence 2. Tells approximate location. Usually used when reporting to check location. P 36.
Staff of Sunburst: PS, Intelligence 8. Each charge will only last 1 d 4 rounds. PN 7.
Wand of Aging: PS, Constitution 9. This wand cannot be recharged. P 55.
Wand of Backlash: PS, Wisdom 7. Maximum of 10 d 6 points of damage per charge. PN 26.
Wand of Body Weaponry: PS, Constitution 5. Each charge can last 1 d 10 rounds. P 57.
Wand of Cold Shield: PS, Wisdom 6. Each charge will function for 1 d 6 rounds. PN 7.
Wand of Compression: PS, Wisdom 7. Has up to 100 charges. Each charge will last up to 1 D 10 rounds. PN 6.
Wand of Conjure: PS, Intelligence 8. Uses charges. See chart for ps modifiers. PN 22.
Wand of Density Manipulation: PS, Intelligence 8. Each charge will last up to 1 d 6 rounds. PN 8.
Wand of Detonate: PS, Constitution 8. Uses charges. P 38.
Wand of Disintegrate: PS, Wisdom 8. Uses charges. P 40.
Wand of False Sensory Input: PS, Intelligence 6. Each charge will last 1 d 10 rounds. P 84.
Wand of Heat Shield: PS, Wisdom 6. Each charge will last 1 d 6 rounds. PN 8.
Wand of Id Insinuation: PS, Wisdom 6. Can be recharged. P 84.
Wand of Psionic Blast: PS, Wisdom 7. Save verses death to avoid effect. P 89.
Wand of P S P Lightning: PS, Constitution 10. Each charge can cause 10 d 3 points of damage. PN 42.
Wand of Remove Air: PS, Constitution 9. Each charge will last up to 1 d 4 rounds. PN 6.
Wand of Teleport Object: PS, Intelligence 5. Can hold up to 100 charges. DK 142.
The category of jewelry can contain several different parts. It may include such things as bracelets, pins, necklaces, & anklets. Also included in this category are talismans, medallions & scarabs. Most of these items are usable several times each day & recharge themselves at night. Some do however contain charges & need to be recharged or they will lose their power.
Anklet of Combat Mind: PS, Intelligence 6. Can use this once per battle & up to 3 times each day for up to 6 rounds. P 33.
Anklet of Dimension Door: PS, Constitution 3. Will work up to its maximum range as much as 3 times each day. P 69.
Anklet of Forced Symmetry: PS, Intelligence 4. Will work up to 5 times each day. DK 144.
Anklet of Fortitude: PS, Constitution 10. This item has up to 100 charges. Each charge will last hunt1 d 6 rounds. PN 15.
Anklet of Heightened Senses: PS, Constitution 2. Will work 6 times each day & last for 1 d 10 rounds. P 61.
Anklet of Rigidity: PS, Constitution 4. Will function up to 5 times each day. DK 146.
Anklet of Spider Touch: PS, Dexterity 3. This item will work 3 times each day & continue to function for 1 d 10 rounds. WW 77.
Bracelet of Aura Sight: PS, Wisdom 8. You can use this item on up to 10 creatures each day but you must make a power check for each new person you are trying to use this ability on. P 30.
Bracelet of Detection: PS, Intelligence 7. Will function up to 3 times a day & maintain its power for 3 d 10 rounds each time. WW 66.
Bracelet of Disconnect Skills: PS, Wisdom 5. Will work once a day & last up to 10 rounds. PN 34.
Bracelet of Mind Kill: PS, Wisdom 10. Contains up to 100 charges. PN 31.
Bracelet of Phase Object: PS, Wisdom 5. Works twice each day & will last 1 d 8 rounds. WW 82.
Bracelet of Superior Invisibility: PS, Constitution 8. Can be used twice a day for 1 d 6 rounds. P 78.
Bracelet of Time Shift: PS, Intelligence 2. Will work up to 3 times each day. P 72.
Brooch of Fate Link: PS, Constitution 9. Will work 5 times each day & last for 1 d 10 rounds. P 75.
Brooch of Passive Contact: PS, Wisdom 3. Will function up to 5 times each day & last up to 10 rounds each time. WW 88.
Brooch of Psychic Impersonation: PS, Wisdom 2. Can work 3 times each day & last 1 d 6 turns. P 90 .
Brooch of Spirit Lore: PS, Intelligence 7. Will work twice a day & last 1 d 10 rounds each time. WW 66.
Brooch of Teleport: PS, Intelligence 4. Can have up to 50 charges. Each charge will not expand more than 100 P S P each time. P 67.
Brooch of Teleport Lock: PS, Intelligence 3. Will work twice each day & last 1 d 10 rounds. WW 84.
Brooch of Weather Prediction: PS, Intelligence 4. will work once each day. DK 140.
Pin of Poison Sense: PS, Wisdom 2. Power check is required once every day & than power is active all day. P 36.
Medallion of Adrenaline Control: PS, Constitution 5. Can use this item 3 times each day & it will function for up to 1 d 6 rounds. P 54.
Medallion of Banishment: PS, Intelligence 5. Uses charges. Can have up to 100 charges. Each charge will last up to 7 rounds. P 64.
Medallion of Cause Sleep: PS, Wisdom 4. Will work 3 times each day & last for 1 d 10 rounds. WW 77.
Medallion of Immovability Other: PS, Constitution 7. Will work twice each day & last 1 d 6 rounds each time. PN 18.
Medallion of Iron Will: PS, Wisdom 2. Will function twice each day & last for up to 10 rounds. WW 91.
Medallion of Molecular Bonding: PS, Intelligence 3. Will work up to 4 times each day & last 1 d 4 rounds each time. WW 73.
Medallion of Photosynthesis: PS, Constitution 1. Will work up to 8 d 10 rounds, but you have to sit in direct sunlight. Artificial forms of light won´t work. WW 77.
Necklace of Daydream: PS, Wisdom 2. You can use this item 3 times each day & it will last 1 d 6 rounds. P 83.
Necklace of Mind Blank: PS, Wisdom 9. A power check is required once every 24 hours & then the item is always active. P 88.
Necklace of Mind Link: PS, Wisdom 9. Will work twice a day & last for up to 5 rounds each time. P 75.
Necklace of Paralyze: PS, Wisdom 6. Will work twice each day & last 1 d 6 rounds. PN 32.
Necklace of Psionic Residue: PS, Wisdom 5. Will work up to 5 times each day. DK 153.
Necklace of Spirit Sense: PS, Wisdom 5. You can use this item up to 10 times each day. P 37.
Necklace of Stasis Field: PS, Constitution 5. Uses charges. Can have up to 100. Each charge will last for 1 d 6 rounds. P 104.
Necklace of Wormhole: PS, Intelligence 6. Uses charges, & can start with up to 50.Can It will stay open until 100 P S P' s are used. WW 80.
Pin of Absorb Disease: PS, Constitution 5. Will work up to 8 times a day. P 53.
Pin of Hallucinations: PS, Intelligence 6. This item will work twice each day & last 1 d 6 rounds. WW 86.
Pin of Invincible Foes: PS, Wisdom 5. Will work on five creatures each day. P 86.
Pin of Static Discharge: PS, Intelligence 5. Will function 3 times each day & last 1 d 6 rounds. Damage is 1 d 4 + 1 points each round. WW 74.
Scarab of Mental Barrier: PS, Wisdom 4. One power check is required per day & item will function all day. P 87.
Scarab of Poison Simulation: PS, Constitution 6. Can simulate any poison that the user has been exposed to. It can simulate 5 times each day. WW 76.
Scarab of Shadow Form: PS, Constitution 10. This item can be is 3 times each day & each time it will last for 1 d 8 rounds. P 53.
Talisman of Astral Projection: PS, Intelligence 2. Can travel twice each day for up to 1 d 4 turns. P 68.
Talisman of Deflect Attack: PS, Wisdom 9. Will function up to 10 times each day. PN 27.
Talisman of Life Detection: PS, Intelligence 4. Will work for 3 times each day & will less for 1 d 10 rounds each time. P 87.
Talisman of Send Thought: PS, Intelligence 3. Will work 4 times each day & last 1 d 10 rounds each time. P 91.
Talisman of True Sight: PS, Wisdom 8. This item will function up to 4 times each day & is will last for 1 d 8 rounds each time. WW 67.
These items are rare but some can be found. They include harp, pipes, horns & some others. In order to make these items function properly the character must have a proficiency in the instrument they are trying to use. If a non proficient person tries to use these items they will not function.
Flute of Create Object: PS, Intelligence 8. With this item you can create up to 3 items each day. Each object will last for 3 d 10 rounds. P 38.
Horn of Project Force: PS, Constitution 6. Can use this item up to 10 times each day. P 41.
Lyre of Control Wind: PS, Constitution 6. This item has up to 50 charges. Each charge will last for up to 1 d 10 rounds. P 44.
Pipes of Molecular Rearrangement: PS, Intelligence 9. Change 1 object at a time. P 40.
This category is quite extensive. It contains items such as, cloaks, robes, hats, helms, boots, gloves, girdles, & even ties. Most of these items recharge themselves overnight, but a very few do use charges.
Belt of Expansion: PS, Constitution 4. This item will work 5 times a day & last up to 10 rounds. P 60.
Belt of Summon Object: PS, Intelligence 6. This item uses charges & may contain up to 100. Each charge cannot use more than 100 P S P's. WW 83.
Boots of Body Equilibrium: PS, Constitution 5. This item will work 5 times each day & last for 1 d 10 rounds. P 55.
Boots of Kinetic Reverse: PS, Constitution 5. This item uses charges & may have up to 100. Each charge will affect any object of 100 pounds or less. PN 9.
Boots of Phase: PS, Wisdom 3. Will work twice each day & last 1 d 6 rounds. WW 82.
Boots of Sensitivity to Psychic Impressions: PS, Wisdom 7. Usable up to 8 times each day, but only once in any area. P 32.
Boots of Synaptic Static: PS, Intelligence 6. Will work 3 times a day at last 1 d 10 rounds each time. P 91.
Boots of Telekinetic Flight: PS, Wisdom 4. Will work twice a day & last 2 d 10 rounds. WW 72.
Boots of Thought Shield: PS, Wisdom 5. This item uses charges & it may have up to 100 charges. Each charge lasts as long as the user desires. P 92.
Boots of Time Dilation: PS, Intelligence 2. Will work 3 times each day & last for 1 d 10 rounds. WW 85.
Bracers of Control Body: PS, Constitution 4. You can use this item on one person each day. P 43.
Bracers of Probe: PS, Wisdom 9. This item uses charges, & can have up to 100. Each charge will last for up to 1 d 10 rounds. P 76.
Bracers of P S Intelligence Sword: PS, Wisdom 4. Will work 3 times each day & last 1 d 10 rounds. PN 15.
Bracers of Repugnance: PS, Wisdom 7. Will work twice each day & last 1 d 4 rounds. P 90.
Bracers of Summon Planner Energies: PS, Intelligence 4. Will work twice a day. WW 78.
Cape of Flesh Armor: PS, Constitution 5. This item can be used twice each day & will protect the user for 10 rounds. P 60.
Cape of Haste: PS, Intelligence 3. Will work 3 times each day & last for up to 1 d 10 rounds. PN 23.
Cape of Mindflame: PS, Wisdom 10. Will work 3 times each day. WW 87.
Cloak of Attraction: PS, Wisdom 6. Will work once each day at last for 1 d 10 rounds. P 79.
Cloak of Aversion: PS, Wisdom 6. Will work once a day & last for 1 d 10 rounds. P 79.
Cloak of Chameleon Power: PS, Constitution 3. This item will function 3 times each day for up to 10 rounds. P 58.
Cloak of Control Flames: PS, Wisdom 3. You can use this item up to 3 times each day for up to 10 rounds. P 43.
Cloak of Deflect: PS, Intelligence 2. This item can deflect up to 20 attacks each day. WW 72.
Cloak of Dimension Walk: PS, Constitution 5. Can travel up to 3 times each day for up to 1 D 3 turns each time. P 69.
Cloak of Ectoplasmic Form: PS, Constitution 6. This item uses charges, & can have up to 100. Each charge can last up to 10 rounds. P 59.
Cloak of Ethereal Traveler: PS, Wisdom 6. Can travel once each day for up to 4 d 10 rounds. Dk 147.
Cloak of Healing: PS, Constitution 7. Will heal up to 100 points of damage per day. PN 18.
Cloak of Immovability: PS, Constitution 7. This item will work once a day & last for up to 12 rounds. P 61.
Cloak of Invisibility: PS, Intelligence 7. Can affect up to 5 creatures each day for up to 1 d 10 rounds. P 86.
Cloak of Metamorphis: PS Constitution 10. This item will work 3 times each day & allow the user to stay changed up to 10 rounds. P 53.
Cloak of Momentum Theft: PS, Intelligence 4. This item uses charges & may have up to 100. Each charge can affect up to 400 pounds of targets. WW 74.
Cloak of Subjective Reality: PS, Wisdom 3. Will work once each day & last 1 d 8 rounds. WW 89.
Cloak of Suppress Magic (Psionicists Only): PS, Constitution 8. Will work once each day & last for 1 d 10 rounds. WW 89.
Girdle of Accelerate: PS, Constitution 4. Will work once a day for up to 1 d 10 rounds. WW 76.
Girdle of Molecular Manipulation: PS, Intelligence 5. This item will work twice each day for 8 rounds. P 48.
Girdle of Time Space Anchor: PS, Intelligence 2. Will work up to 3 times each day for up to 3 d 10 rounds. P 73.
Gloves of Aura Alteration: PS, Wisdom 8. This item will work 5 times a day & last as long as the owner desires. P 93.
Gloves of Bone Reading: PS, Wisdom 3. Will work up to 6 times each day. WW 67.
Gloves of Cause Decay: PS, Constitution 4. This item uses charges, & can start with up to 100. You can only try once on each item. P 57.
Gloves of Cyrokinesis: PS, Wisdom 2. Will work 3 times a day & continue for up to 1 d 4 rounds. WW 72.
Gloves of Enhance Weapon: PS, Wisdom 5. Will work 3 times each day & last 1 d 8 rounds. PN 8.
Gloves of Inflict Pain: PS, Constitution 6. Will work 3 times a day & last for up to 1 d 10 rounds. P 85.
Gloves of Mindwipe: PS, Intelligence 10. Will work once a day for up to 1 d 10 rounds. P 75.
Gloves of Object Reading: PS, Wisdom 8. This item can be used on up to 8 items each day, but only one attempt on each item can be made. P 31.
Gloves of Psychokinetic Punch: PS, Constitution 4. This item has up to 100 charges. Each charge does 1 d 4 points of damage. PN 12.
Hat of Domination: PS, Wisdom 8. Will work on one creature 3 times a day & last for 2 d 10 rounds. P 74.
Hat of Mind Over Body: PS, Wisdom 5. This item will work once a day for 1 d 4 people, & its effects will last for 4 days. Then the item must have 24 hours of rest to recharge. P 62.
Hat of Mirror Image: PS Constitution 5. This item will work 3 times each day & last 1 d 6 rounds. PN 9.
Hat of Precognition: PS, Wisdom 8. Usable at up to 4 times each day & for 1 possible outcome for each situation. P 31.
Hat of Psychic Guidance: PS, Intelligence 4. Can control to 5 projected objects for up to 1 d 4 rounds. PN 12.
Hat of Suppress Fear: PS, Wisdom 3. This item can be used on up to 20 characters each day. This items effects last for 1 turn plus 1 d 10 rooms. WW 88.
Headband of Ejection: PS, Wisdom 8. Eject other minds from yours at will. P 74.
Headband of Grid (Psionicists Only): PS, Intelligence 5. Works until the Psionicists turns it off. It can be turned on & off 3 times a day. P 98.
Headband of See Magic: PS, Wisdom 5. Will work 3 times each day & last 2 d 10 rounds. WW 68.
Headband of Summon Planner Creature: PS, Intelligence 6. This item uses charges, & may have up to 100. P 66.
Headband of Switch Personality: PS, Constitution 8. This item will work up to twice a day. The switch is permanent until the controller switches the minds back. The headband will only work for the original character that is wearing it when the initial switch is made. P 78.
Headband of Ultrablast (Psionicists Only): PS, Wisdom 14. This item has up to 50 charges. A failed power check expends a charge but does not work. Only three attempts per day can be tried. P 96.
Helm of Beast Mastery: PS, Wisdom 5. Can contact & control up to 15 hit dice worth of creatures for up to 1 week. Then one day´s rest is required. A separate power check must be made for each creature contacted. Dk 149.
Helm of Biofeedback: PS, Constitution 4. This item will work up to 3 times each day & last 10 rounds. P 55.
Helm of E S P: PS, Wisdom 6. Can work twice each day at last for 1 d 6 rounds. P 84.
Helm of Negate Sensory Input: PS, Intelligence 6. Will work 3 times each day in last for 1 d 6 rounds. PN 38.
Helm of Split Personality (Psionicists Only): PS, Wisdom 9. This item has charges & may start with up to 50. Each charge will last up to 10 rounds. P 96.
Helm of Suspension: PS, Constitution 8. This item has up to 25 charges. PN 16.
Helm of Tower of Iron Will: PS, Wisdom 6. Works at the will of the user. P 79.
Robe of Animal Affinity: PS, Constitution 8. This item can be used once each day for 2 d 10 rounds. P 50.
Robe of Inertia Shield: PS, Constitution 5. This item will work 3 times each day & last for 1 d 6 rounds. PN 9.
Robe of Probability Travel: PS, Intelligence 4. You can travel once each day for up to 8 hours a day. P 64.
Robe of Psychic Inflation (Psionicists Only): PS, Wisdom 7. This item uses charges & may have up to 100. Each charge will last for 2 d 10 rounds. P 101.
Robe of Regeneration: PS, Constitution 8. Will heal any amount of damage once a day but may take several turns. WW 76.
Robe of Safe Path: PS, Wisdom 6. Will function up to 4 times a day for 1 d 10 rounds. WW 68.
Robe of Telepathic Projection: PS, Wisdom 4. Will work up to 5 times a day & last 2 d 10 rounds. P 92.
Scarf of Altar Features: PS, Constitution 3. Uses charges & may have up to 100. Each charge will last eight hours. WW 77.
Scarf of Blink: PS, Intelligence 1. Will work 3 times each day for up to 1 d 6 rounds. WW 81.
Scarf of Compact: PS, Wisdom 9. This item uses charges & may have up to 100. Dk 141.
Scarf of Dream Travel: PS, Wisdom 6. Will work once each night for up to 4 characters. P 70.
Vest of Amnesia: PS, Wisdom 4. Will work 3 times each day & last 1 d 10 rounds. WW 87.
Vest of Animate Shadow: PS, Wisdom 5. This item will work 3 times each day for up to 2 d 10 rounds. P 42.
Vest of Death Field: PS, Constitution 12. You can use this item twice each day. If you fail your power score role you pass out. P 52.
Vest of Sensitivity to Observation: PS, Wisdom 2. This item is always active. The D M must role a secret power check to see if the wearer of the vast notices that he is being observed. WW 69.
This category of items is quite unique. Each item is created from a living body part. The living item replaces existing or nonexistent body parts. They have one Psionic ability & also function as a normal body part. For example, a living item that is an eye has a Psionic ability & also has normal vision. These items are created using the same methods as used when creating regular Psionic items accept that the ability molecular rearrangement must be added to the creation process. This allows the item to adapt to its new body. Once attached the item will remain unless forcefully removed or the host body dies. Then it will search for a new host. When not attached to a host the living item must be kept in a special preserving solution. If it is not attached & not in the solution it will only survive for 24 hours & than cease to function.
Arm of Body Control: PS, Constitution 6. Will work twice each day & last 1 d 10 turns. P 55.
Arm of Body Weaponry: PS, Constitution 5. Can work twice per day & last up to 10 rounds. P 57.
Ear of Control Sound: PS, Intelligence 7. Will work 4 times each day & last 1 d 10 rounds. P 44.
Ear of Empathy: PS, Wisdom 2. Will work on 10 victims each day last up to 6 rounds. P 84.
Ear of Here Light: PS, Wisdom 5. Will work 3 times each day & last for 1 d 10 rounds. P 34.
Ear of Sound Link: PS, Constitution 4. Will work 5 times each day at last up to 7 turns. P 91.
Ear of Truthear: PS, Wisdom 4. Will work 10 times each day & last up to 4 rounds. P 92.
Eye of All Around Vision: PS, Wisdom 5. Will work 3 times each day & last 1 d 6 rounds. P 33.
Eye of Clairaudience: PS, Wisdom 6. Will work 3 times each day & last 1 d 8 rounds. P 30.
Eye a Clairvoyance: PS, Wisdom 7. Will work 3 times each day & last 1 d 6 rounds. P 30.
Eye of Control Light: PS, Intelligence 2. Will work 3 times each day & last 1 d 6 rounds. P 44.
Eye of Domination: PS, Wisdom 4. Will work twice each day & last 1 d 10 rounds. P 74.
Eye of Magic Sight: PS, Wisdom 11. Will give information 3 times each day or on three objects each day or three characters each day. PN 1.
Eye of Read Portrait: PS, Wisdom 10. Will work 4 times each day. PN 1.
Eye of See Ethereal: PS, Wisdom 7. Will work 5 times each day & last 2 d 10 rounds. WW 68.
Eye of See Heat: PS, Wisdom 5. Will work twice each day & last 1 d 10 rounds. PN 4.
Eye of See Sound: PS, Wisdom 5. Will work 3 times each day & last for 1 d 8 rounds. P 37.
Eye Sight Link: PS, Constitution 5. Will work 5 times each day & last up to 6 turns. P 91.
Finger of Feel Light: PS, Wisdom 5. Will work 3 times each day for 1 d 10 rounds. P 34.
Finger of Feel Sound: PS, Wisdom 5. Will work 3 times each day for 1 d 10 rounds. P 34.
Finger of Ghost Writing: PS, Wisdom 4. Will work up to 3 times each day for up to 3 d 10 rounds. DK 142.
Finger of Know Course: PS, Intelligence 4. Always active. WW 68.
Finger of Population Finder: PS, Intelligence 4. Will work twice each day & last 1 d 6 rounds. PN 4.
Finger of Post Hypnotic Suggestion: PS, Intelligence 5. Will work 3 times each day. P 89.
Finger of Radial Navigation: PS, Intelligence 5. Will work once a day & last for 12 hours. P 36.
Foot of Catfall: PS, Dexterity 4. Instantly activates when you take a fall. Will work up to 25 times each day. P 57.
Foot of Levitation: PS, Wisdom 7. Will work for times per day & last 1 d 6 rounds. P 47.
Hand of Cell Adjustment: PS, Constitution 5. Will heal 10 points of damage 5 times per day. P 58.
Hand of Chemical Simulation: PS, Constitution 6. Will work 4 times each day in last 1 d 4 rounds. Must touch victim or object to be effective. P 58.
Hand of Dimensional Screen: PS, Constitution 5. Will work once each day for 1 d 10 rounds. WW 81.
Hand of Enhance Strength: PS, Wisdom 5. Can increase strength to a maximum of 18. Can work 5 times each day & last for 1 d 10 rounds. P 59.
Hand of Feel Radiation: PS, Wisdom 6. Will work twice each day & last 1 d 4 rounds. PN 3.
Hand of Graft Weapon: PS, Constitution 7. Will work 4 times each day & last 1 d 6 rounds. P 60.
Hand of Kinetic Control: PS, Intelligence 7. Will work twice each day & last for 1 d 10 rounds. WW 69.
Hand of Lend Health: PS, Constitution 3. Will work twice each day. P 62.
Hand of Magnetize: PS, Intelligence 3. Can magnetize up to 50 pounds of material each day & it will stay magnetize for up to 2 d 10 rounds. WW 72.
Hand of Mass Manipulation: PS, Intelligence 5. Will work twice each day & last up to 1 d 6 rounds. WW 73.
Hand of Molecular Agitation: PS, Wisdom 2. Will work 3 times each day & last up to 5 rounds. P 48.
Hand of Molecular Rearrangement: PS, Intelligence 9. Will work 3 items each day & less for 1 hour. P 40.
Hand of Mysterious Traveler: PS, Wisdom 3. Will affect up to 50 humanoid type creature. DK 151.
Hand of Nerve Manipulation: PS, Constitution 7. Will work 4 times each day. Victim must be physically touched. WW 75.
Hand of Share Strength: PS, Constitution 6. Can share with three people herb 3 times each day & the effects will last 1 d 10 rounds. P 63.
Hand of Soften: PS, Intelligence 2. Will work 5 times each day for up to 5 rounds. P 49.
Hand of Spirit Sense: PS, Wisdom 5. Will work up to 10 times per day. P 37.
Hand of Touch Sight: PS, Wisdom 4. Will work 4 times each day & last 1 d 10 rounds. PN 5.
Toe of Danger Sense: PS, Wisdom 5. Is always active. DM roles a secret power check to detect danger. P 33.
Tongue of Control Wind: PS, Constitution 6. Will work 3 times each day & last for 1 d 4 rounds. P 44.
Tongue of Create Sound: PS, Intelligence 9. Will work 5 times each day & last for 1 d 4 rounds. P 46.
Tongue of Taste Link: PS, Constitution 4. Will work 5 tires per day & last up to 6 turns. P 91.
Psionic weapons are created using the same above methods except that they have their own intelligence, ego, & will power. The most favored weapon is a Psionic staff, but other Psionic weapons may be created. Most of these items have multiple powers therefore they take a long time to create & are rare. They have the same ability to communicate with their owner that magical intelligent weapons have. The following chart is used to determine intelligence & powers.
d100 | Intelligence | Powers |
1-25 | 12 | 1 Devotion |
26-45 | 13 | 2 Devotions |
46-55 | 14 | 3 Devotions |
56-65 | 15 | 1 Science, 2 Devotions |
66-75 | 16 | 1 Science, 3 Devotions |
76-85 | 17 | 2 Sciences, 3 Devotions |
86-95 | 18 | 2 Sciences, 4 Devotions |
96-100 | 19 | 3 Sciences, 4 Devotions |
For specific powers consult the wild talent chart in the Psionicists handbook. These weapons make their own power checks based on their intelligence. It stores & expends Psionic strength points just like a character would do. The weapon begins with one d 10 times 100 points. These points must be replaced or the weapon will lose its power. The staff is also a plus 1 weapon or better in combat.
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Copyright © 1998-2006 Phillip Riley
Last Updated Sat Aug 11, 2007