New Psionic Powers
By: Sheryl Heil
Meld Item
Power Score: Intelligence 7
Initial Cost: 50
Maintenance Cost: 1/ hour
Range: one item
Preparation Time: special
Area of Effect: one item
Prerequisites: ninth level
This power is functions as the wizard spell enchant an item. First the player must start out with an item of exceptional quality. For further details check the Players Handbook under the enchant an item spell. Second, the character must spend a great deal of time becoming familiar with the item that he intends to bestow a Psionic power into. The Psionicists must spend 2 + 1 D 8 days, at least eight hours each day concentrating on the item. She can not perform any other Psionic powers while preparing the item. This is step one in creating a Psionic item.
Create Intelligence
Power Score: Intelligence 6
Initial Cost: 30
Maintenance Cost: none
Range: one item
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: one item
Prerequisites: ninth level
This power prepares a melded item to receive Psionic ability. This power gives the item just enough intelligence to perform the desired ability. The item is semi intelligent, but it does not have will power or ego. This is the second step in creating a Psionic item.
Bestow Psionic Ability
Power Score: Wisdom 6
Initial Cost: special
Maintenance Cost: none
Range: one item
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: one item
Prerequisites: ninth level
This power is used to put a desired Psionic ability into a Psionic item. The item must be melded & bestowed with intelligence. The initial cost is twice the normal initial cost of the specific ability being bestowed.
This allows the item to activate one time & perform its ability once. After that the power is lost unless Store Psionic Strength Points, & sometimes, Psionic Regeneration are bestow into the item.
This is the third step in creating a Psionic item.
Store Psionic Strength Points
Power Score: Wisdom 5
Initial Cost: special
Maintenance Cost: none
Range: one item
Preparation Time: special
Area of Effect: one item
Prerequisites: ninth level
This power has two functions. First, it allows the Psionicists to extend the duration of a Psionic ability so that it may last several rounds or be used multiple times each day. The ratio for this is 2 to 1. For example if the Psionicists expends 4 points than two points are put into the item. A Psionicists can store approximately 100 to 125 points or less for this purpose. After the duration of the ability runs out the ability will be lost unless Psychic Regeneration is bestowed on the item to complete the creation process.
The second use for this ability is to charge & create rods, staves, & wands. The ratio is 3 to 1. This process may take several days especially when creating wands because they can hold so many changes. This is the fourth & sometimes final step in creating Psionic items.
Psychic Regeneration
Power Score: Constitution 6
Initial Cost: special
Maintenance Cost: none
Range: one item
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: one item
Prerequisites: ninth level
This ability allows a Psionic item to regain lost points over time. This allows for daily & weekly reuse. The initial cost is double the Bestow Psionic Ability cost. This makes the Psionic Regeneration cost equal to the initial cost of the ability times four. For example, if the normal initial cost of an ability is 10 than the Bestow Psionic Ability initial cost is 20 & the Psychic Regeneration initial cost is 40. This is the last step in creating a Psionic item.
With all of these new Psionic items it is necessary to have 2 new Psionic devotions. They both fall under the clairsentience discipline.
Detect Psionics
Power Score: I
Initial Cost: 5
Maintenance Cost: none
Range: 50 foot radius
Area of effect: 50 foot radius
Preparation Time: 0
Prerequisite: none
This ability when activated will detect any Psionic items within a 50-foot radius of the Psionicists. The items give off a green glow that the Psionicists can see.
Identify Psionic Item
Power Score: Intelligence 4
Initial Cost: 10
Maintenance Cost: 0
Range: none
Preparation Time: 1 hour
Area of Effect: 1 item
Prerequisite: none
This ability allows a Psionicists to identify a Psionic item. It allows the Psionicists to know what the item is & how it works. The Psionicists will also know how often the item will work & for how long. It will also tell the Psionicists how many charges can item has left if it has charges.
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Last Updated Sat Aug 11, 2007