Aldoran Martial Arts
by: Ian R Malcomson
HANA-YORA (Haldyanaic Art)
Form: Hard
Method: Strike (Hand)
AC: 8
#AT: 2
Dmg: 1d8
Mnvr: 1. Meditation, 2. Feint, 3. Iron Fist, 4. Blind Fighting, 5. Missile Deflection, 6. Eagle Claw
Desc: One of the commonly taught national styles of the Kingdom of Haldyanai. It is part of the common teachings of the soldiery.
SEKKANA-WOL (Wolarn Art)
Form: Soft
Method: Throw (Body)
AC: 6
#AT: 1
Dmg: 1d4
Mnvr: 1. Meditation, 2. Fall, 3. Feint, 4. All Round Sight
Desc: A defensive style taught throughout the Kingdom of Wolarn. It is not particularly effective against armed and armoured opponents, but much honour is afforded to champions of frequently held Sekkana-Hiyidda (competitive tournaments consisting of elimination bouts using the Sekkana-Wol style).
TANG-HA (Haeline weapon kata)
Form: Hard
Method: Weapon (Lajatang)
AC: 8
#AT: 2
Dmg: 2d8
Mnvr: 1. Feint, 2. Weapon Catch, 3. Weapon Break, 4. Prone Fighting
Desc: A style used by Haeline Martial Artists based around the use of the lajatang (a polearm with a crescent blade attached to both ends of the shaft).
TUMA-KHI (Talurkhian art)
Form: Hard/Soft
Method: Vital Area (Hand/Foot)
AC: 6
#AT: 2
Dmg: 1d8
Mnvr: 1. Meditation, 2. Feint, 3. Pain Touch, 4. Stunning Touch, 5. Blind Fighting, 6. Paralysing Touch, 7. Missile Deflection, 8. Distance Death
Desc: A highly effective, and thus respected, style used by Martial Artists from the island kingdom of Tallurkhi.
KOJO-MI (Santhari art)
Form: Hard/Soft
Method: Kick (Foot)
AC: 7
#AT: 2
Dmg: 1d8
Mnvr: 1. Meditation, 2. All-round sight, 3. Circle Kick, 4. Feint, 5. Prone Fighting, 6. Blind Fighting, 7. Flying Kick, 8. Backward Kick
Desc: The national style of the Kingdom of Santhar, one of the most famed practitioners of this art is one Jei-Min Sonutu, a Bushi who became wholly absorbed in his goal of perfecting his art after losing one of his arms in a battle against a bandit lord from the east.
GHOST (Ghorsti art)
Form: Soft
Method: Movement (Legs)
AC: 5
#AT: 1
Dmg: 1d4
Mnvr: 1. Meditation, 2. Feint, 3. Circle Kick, 4. Prone Fighting
Desc: A defensive style, mainly practiced by the LN "Monks of the Ghost", a Ghorsti Order of secretive and mysterious ways.
TSINJAHO (Philosophy art)
Form: Soft
Method: Movement
AC: 5
#AT: 1
Dmg: 1d4
Mnvr: 1. Meditation, 2. Feint, 3. All-round sight, 4. Prone Fighting, 5. Immovability, 6. Missile Deflection, 7. Leap, 8. Speed, 9. Slow Resistance
Desc: A style practiced by the Monks and Shukenja who follow the pacifist teachings of the prophet Tsinjaho. Tsinjaho taugh that, to overcome one's inner demons, one must first avoid threats provided by one's external demons (presumably meaning others who seek you harm).
THE WAY OF WOOD (weapon kata)
Form: Hard/Soft
Method: Weapon (bo)
AC: 7
#AT: 2
Dmg: 1d10
Mnvr: 1. Meditation, 2. Feint, 3. Weapon Catch, 4. All-round sight, 5. Mental Resistance, 6. Blind Fighting, 7. Ironskin, 8. Steel Cloth
Desc: This style teaches the student to become one with his weapon, to feel the heart and life of the wood in his hands, and to focus that so as to take on some of the attributes of the hard-wood bo, as well as to use his body to guide the attacks made by the staff.
BAHEI-SORAN (Underworld art)
Form: Hard
Method: Strike (Hand)
AC: 8
#AT: 2
Dmg: 1d8
Mnvr: 1. Iron Fist, 2. Feint, 3. All-round sight, 4. Crushing Blow, 5. Blind Fighting, 6. Eagle Claw, 7. Ironskin, 8. Levitation
Desc: A hybrid, offensive style practiced by "commoners" (who, by Haldyanaic law, are not permitted to bear arms) engaged in illicit professions. It is a favourable art used by all walks of underworld life: from assassins to smugglers.
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Copyright © 1998-2006 Phillip Riley
Last Updated Sat Aug 11, 2007