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Wooden Buttons & Background

This tutorial is sutible even for beginners. Wood buttons can add a little class to your website. You can make them in different sizes & shapes. You can make matching backgrounds, & photo windows.

  1. Create a new file (80x40, white background). Fill the foreground with a warm brown color.
  2. Create a new layer, call it 'Noise' & make the fill type 'Transparent'.
  3. With the noise layer selected use the 'Hurl' filter (right click image > Filters > Noise > Hurl) set the randomization to 50% and the repeat to 20.
  4. The result should look something like this:

  5. Adjust the color levels (right click > Image > Colors > Levels) adjust the input levels all the way to the right.
  6. The result should look something like this, with all the noise being black:

  7. Apply the 'Motion Blur' filter (right click > Filters > Blur > Motion Blur) set the blur type to linear, length 5, angle 45. Then merger the noise & backgroud layers.
  8. The result should look something like this:

  9. Using the 'Rectangular Selection' tool, select an area five pixels from the edges of the image. Copy selection & create a new layer called 'Button' & paste the selection into the new layer.
  10. Double click the 'Dodge or Burn' tool (it looks like a magnifying glass with the glass part colored in). Select the type 'Dodge' & mode 'Highlight'.
  11. Select a hard brush size 8 pixel. Click the upper-left corner of the image hold down on the shift key & click on the upper-right corner of the image. Repeat this process until you get the desired 'highlight'. Then do the same to the left side of the image.
  12. Double click on the 'Dodge or Burn tool again, this time selecting 'Burn'. Click on the lower-left corner of the image hold down on the shift key & click on the lower-right corner of the image. Repeat this process until you get the desired 'shadow'. Then do the same to the right side of the image.
  13. Select a hard brush size 9 pixel. Click each corner of the image. This will give the corners of the buttons a nice rounded edge. This image can be used as-is for a good looking button.
  14. To make a background image, turn off the 'button' layer by clicking on the 'eye' icon beside the layer's image then select the background layer.
  15. Offset the image by 40 pixels (right click the image > image > Transforms > Offset). Select the middle 1/2 of the image with the rectangular selection tool.
  16. Apply a 'Motion Blur' filter (right click > Filters > Blur > Motion Blur) Angle 0, Distance 6. This will smooth out the line that goes down the middle of the image.
  17. Apply a 'Destripe' filter (right click > Filters > Enhance > Destripe) Width 40. This will further smooth out lines.
  18. To put text on the image, create a new layer then use the 'Text Tool' & write some text. Place the text on the image where you want it.
  19. Right click the 'Text Layer' & choose 'Alpha to Selection' then 'Feather' (right click > Selection > Feather) by one pixel. Make a new layer just below the this layer.
  20. Fill the selection with white. Use the move tool to move the white text down & right one pixel each. This makes a highlight. Change this layer's mode to 'Overlay'.
  21. Now you can save the button & background images seperately in your choosen image format.
  22. This is what your page will look like with the button & background:
  23. Make sure to save the background image into your pattern directory.

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Copyright © 1998-2006 Phillip Riley

Last Updated Sat Aug 11, 2007