Monk Class
By: Ian Malcomson and Phillip Riley
Experience Hit Lvl Needed dice (d4) --- ---------- -- 1 0 2 2 2250 3 3 4750 4 4 10000 5 5 22500 6 6 47500 7 7 98000 8 8 200000 9 9 350000 10 10 500000 11 11 700000 12 12 950000 13 13 1250000 14 14 1750000 15 15 2250000 16 16 2750000 17 17 3250000+ 18 Monks do not advance beyond 17th level. Ability requirements: Strength 15 Dexterity 15 Constitution 11 Wisdom 15
Monks are ascetics who learn their skills at one of the several monastic enclaves found throughout Kara-Tur. Their spiritual training enphasizes the simultaneous development of the mind and body as a path to understanding and enlightenment. Perfection, for them, lies in perfect control of thier own spirit-achieving harmony between min and body. To this end they become masters of combat forms, both armed and unarmed, not to become great fighters but to learn their physical powers and limitations. At the same time they undergo a rigorous mental discipline, honing their minds to perceive and understand the mysteries of the cosmos. Although they can perform incredible physical and mental feats, they cannot perform ceremonies or cast spells. Monks are attached to a monastery but do not receive the religious training that makes a shukenja or a sohei, and are not considered clergy.
Monks must:
- Control and moderate their feelings/emotions.
- Cannot own mounts.
- Only keep money they require to live.
- May never own land/property (but may establish a monestary).
- May own a maximum of 2 magical weapons.
- May own a maximum of 3 magical non-weapons.
- Are limited to use of rings, or items usable by thief or monk.
- Cannot wear armour.
- Are limited in weaponry.
- There can only be 3 8th lvl Monks per monestary.
- There can only be 1 Monk of each lvl 9th to 17th per monestary.
- They are limited to 2 henchmen at 6th lvl, +1 per level thereafter.
- Henchmen must be Shukenja, Bushi or Ninja, and must be with the Monk by choice (ie, they cannot earn a wage).
- They must take the Religion and Calligraphy NWPs.
Weapons: any martial arts weapons, handaxe, boku-toh, chijiriki, crossbow, dagger, daikyu, halberd, javelin, kama, kusari-gama, lasso, naginata, parang, spear or trident.
Monks have 200 character points to spend on their abilities. Any unspent poinst can be used to acquire non-weapon proficiencies or saved for use during the game.
- Armor Class Bonus (10): Use Martial Arts AC, +1 bonus per level beyond 1st, no Dex AC modifier.
- Breakfall (10): The character can falling 20' within if within 1' of a wall (or other stationary object) at 4th, this distance increases to 30' at 6th level and the character must be within 4' of a wall.
- Charm resistance (10): At 9th level the character is 50% resistant to charm, this resistance increases at a rate of +5% per level every level above 9th.
- Climb Walls (5): base 50%.
- Damage bonus(10): +1 damage with weapons per 2 levels.
- Escape Bonds (10): base 5%.
- ESP Resistance (10): At 4th level the character has 70% resistance to all forms of ESP, this increases at the rate of +2% per level beyond 4th level.
- Feign Death (5): The character can Feign Death for a number of turns equal to his level times 2 once per day as third level priest spell.
- Find/Remove Traps(10): base 0%.
- Followers (5): The character gains followers at 8th level after establishing a monestary - 1d4+1 1st level monks, +1d2 monks per level over 8th.
- Followers (10): The character gains followers after establishing a monestary, regardless of actual level. (Same number as above.)
- Heal by Meditation (5): The character can heal his own body of 1d4+1 hit points at 7th level. This power increases by one point at every level beyond 7th.
- Hear Noise (5): base 20%.
- Hide in Shadows (5): base 5%.
- Immune to disease (5): At 5th level the character is immune to disease.
- Immune to geas & quest (10): At 12th level the charcter is immune to geas & quest spells.
- Immune to haste & slow (5): At 5th level the character becomes immune to haste and slow spells.
- Immune to poison (10): At 11th level, the character is immune to poisons.
- Increased Movement (10): Movement rate of base 15, +1 per level beyond 1st.
- Martial Arts Expertise (15): The character has martial arts expertise in the style of their monestary, automatically Proficient & "Weapon of Choice" at 1st level, Expert at 4th, Specialist at 7th, Master at 10th, High Master at 13th, and Grand Master at 17th. Monks may not have a greater level of Proficiency with another Martial Art than their monestary's art, nor may they begin to learn another art until they have attained Master (at 10th level).
- Meditation (5): At 3rd level the character receives meditation. Meditation is a state of deep concentration. By meditating, the monk focuses and regains his energies. One hour of uninterrupted meditation is as restful as two hours of sleep. While meditating, the monk is oblivious to hunger, thirst, heat, and cold. He is still conscious and aware of his surroundings, however, so he does not suffer any penalties on suprise or initiative dice rolls.
- Move Silently (5): base 5%.
- Open Locks (10): base 5%.
- Read Languages (5): base 5%.
- Saving Throw Bonus (Ki) (10): Character saves vs. Spells for full or no damage once per level per day; goes up to save for half or no damage at 9th lvl.
- Speak with Animals (5): At third level the character may speak with animals as second level priest spell.
- Speak with Plants (5): The character can speak with plants as fourth level priest spell at 8th level.
- Surprised (10): The character's chance to be supprised increases at a rate of +1 per every 3 levels.
- Telepathic Bonus (5): At 10th level, telepathic magic and psionics affect as if the Monk had Int 18.
[Monks gain 20 percentile points for Thieves Abilities at 1st level, +15 points per level thereafter]
All Monk special abilities that are gained at specific levels (eg, immune to disease @ 5th level) may be purchased to become active 2 levels earlier than listed by spending an additional 50% CPs on the ability (round up). For example, Immune to Disease can be purchased for use at 3rd level for a cost of 8 CPs.
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Copyright © 1998-2006 Phillip Riley
Last Updated Sat Aug 11, 2007