Kara-Tur Races
By: Ian Malcomson and Phillip Riley
Racial Adjustments
Race Adjustments Korobokuru +1 Str, +1 Con, -2 Int Hengeyokai Carp +1 Wis, -1 Str Cat +1 Dex, -1 Wis Crab +2 Str, -2 Chr Crane +1 Wis, -1 Dex Dog +1 Con, -1 Int Drake +1 Chr, -1 Dex Fox +1 Int, -1 Wis Hare +1 Wis, -1 Str Monkey +2 Dex, -2 Wis Racoon Dog +2 Str, -2 Wis Rat +2 Con, -2 Chr Sparrow +2 Chr, -2 Con Spirit Folk Bamboo None River None Sea None
Racal Requirements
Ability Korobokuru Hengeyokai Spitit Folk Strength* 8/19 12/18 6/18 Dexterity 6/18 9/18 12/18 Constitution 12/19 12/18 6/14 Intelligence 3/15 12/18 12/18 Wisdom 3/17 12/18 9/18 Charisma 3/16 12/17 14/18 * Fighters can have exceptional scores in Strength
Racial Level Limits
Class Korobokuru Hengeyokai Human Spirit Folk Barbarian 10 -- U -- Bushi U U U U Kensai -- 6 U 9 Monk -- -- 17 17 Ninja -- -- U -- Priest 9 8 U 11 Psionicist 8 7 U 7 Samurai 6 -- U 12 Shukenja -- 8 U -- Sohei -- -- U -- Wu Jen 7 9 U -- Yakuza 10 -- U --
Character Point Cost: 50
Hengeyokai are intelligent, shape-changing animals. Several subraces exist, each a different type of animal. They are found throughout the Oriental world, usually on the fringes of human-settled lands.
The ability to change shape is natural to hengeyokai. They are not lycanthropes and they do not have any of the symptoms of lycanthropy: they are not limited by cycles of the moon, are not especially susceptible to silver weapons, cannot transmit their power throght wounds, and cannot heal their own wounds merely by changing shape.
Hengeyokai have their own language, which is the same for all hengeyokai regardless of their animal type. They can speak this language in all of their three forms.
Unlike other races (including humans), hengeyokai are not members of a clan and do not gain the benefits (or suffer the penalties of clan kinship. In general, the hengeyokai are a sectretive race, preferring to avoid prolonged contact with humans. They have little desire for land or position and can never establish families or strongholds even if their chosen class allows this.
Animal Form: When in animal form the hengeyokai is virtually undetectable from normal animals. Since the change of form is real and not an illusion, it cannot be detected by spells that reveal illusions. While in animal form, hengeyokai have the abilities listed below under their animal form type.
Hengeyokai also have several disadvantages while in anmimal form. They cannot use any weapons, armor, or equipment, making it possible for them to be mistaken for (and even hunted as) normal animals. Hengeyokai with magical abilities cannot cast any spells in animal form, nor can they speak any languages other than those of the hengeyokai and the normal animals. They can understand any language they know, but may not be able to reply.
The hengeyokai has fewer hit points in his animal form than in either of his other forms. Hengeyokai in animal form have only one-half their normal number of hit points (rounded up). Hit points lost in one form are carried over point-for point o the new form. A hengeyokai cannot change forms if this would leave him with 0 or fewer hig points.
When a hengeyokai character reaches 0 hit points in any form, he is slain. A hengeyokai character in animal form with 0 hit points left does not instntly change ot one of his other forms. He is dead.
Bipedal Form: In this form the hengeyokai appears as a humanoid animal. He stands on his hind legs (or whatever) to the height of a normal man. The front paws (or wings, or fins) change into hands, capable of gripping and using normal equipment. The rest of the body retains the general shape and appearance of the animal, including fur, feathers, wings, tail, and other characteristic features.
While in bipedal form, the hengeyokai has several advantages. He can speak any language he knows, including human and animal languages; he can use any weapons, armor, and equipment normally available to his class; and he has his full number of hit points.
Bipedal form also has several disadvantages. The hengeyokai cannot use the special movement abilities of its animal form. The hengeyokai's bipedal movement rate is 12". The bipedal hengeyokai is also easily identified for what it really is.
Human Form: When in human form, a hengeyokai looks like a normal human being. However, he always retains some distinctive feature of his animal form. A racoon dog hengeyokai may have a silver stripe through his hair. A sparrow hengeyokai may have an unusually sharp nose. The choice of the exact identifying feature is left to the player and the DM.
Human form grants certian advantages to the hengeyokai. Obviously, he can pose as a human being. Like his animal form, this form is not an illusion. He can use all weapons, armor, equipment, and spells normally available to his class. He has a full number of hit points.
The following disadvantages also apply: the hengeyokai has no infravision (unless the human form infravision ability is taken); he loses all special movement abilities, moving at the standard human movement rate (12").; he cannot speak to animals, although he can still understand their speach (unless the human form speak with animals ability is taken).
Hengeyokai Racial Abilities
Carp Alignment Restriction: Any Good AC (7) Move (swim 12") Cat Alignment Restriction: Any Chaotic Damage (1-3) AC (9) Move (land 12") Crab Alignment Restriction: Any Damage (1-3) AC(8) Move (land 3") Move (swim 6") Crane Alignment Restriction: Any Good Damage (1-2) AC(9) Move (land 6") Move (fly 12") Dog Alignment Restriction: Any Good Damage (1-6) AC(9) Move (12") Drake Alignment Restriction: Any Good AC(7) Move(land 6") Move(fly 12") Move(swim 9") Fox Alignment Restriction: Any Evil Damage(1-3) AC(6) Move(land 15") Hare Alignment Restriction: Any Good AC(5) Move (land 12") Racoon Dog Alignment Restriction: Any Chaotic Damage(1-6) AC(9) Move(land 9") Rat Alignment Restriction: Any Evil Damage(1-3) AC(5) Move(land 9") Sparrow Alignment Restriction: Any Evil AC(3) Move(land 3") Move(fly 15")
Custom Animal Form Example:
- AC 6 (8 CP)
- Land MV 15 (2 CP)
- Dmg 1d3 (3 CP)
- +1 Int (10)
- -1 Wis (-10)
- Shapechange 1/day (10)
- 120' Infravision in animal/bipedal form (20)
- Speak with Animals in animal/bipedal form (5)
- Infravision (20): Hengeyokai have infravision to 120 feet in animal & bipedal form.
- Infravision (10): Hengeyokai have infravision to 60 feet in animal & bipedal form.
- Infravision (15): Hengeyokai have infravision to 60 feet in human form.
- Resistance (10): 25% Magic Resistance.
- Shapechange (10): Hengeyokai may shapechange once per day per level.
- Shapechange (20): Hengeyokai may shapechange twice per day per level.
- Speak with animals (5): Hengeyokai may speak with animals in animal & bipedal form as second level priest spell.
- Speak with animals (10): Hengeyokai may speak with animals in human form as second level priest spell.
- Saving Throw Bonus (5): Hengeyokai have a +1 to save vs. Spells.
Animal Form CP Costs Damage Dice: AC: 1d2 (2) 10 (0) 1d3 (3) 9 (2) 1d4 (5) 8 (4) 1d6 (10) 7 (6) 1d8 (15) 6 (8) 5 (10) Movement Rates: -------CP-------- MV Land Fly Swim -- ---- --- ---- 18 5 15 15 15 2 10 10 12 0 7 7 9 -2 5 5 6 -5 4 4 3 -10 2 2 Nil -15 n/a
For custom Animal Forms Only
Character Point Cost: 45
Korobokuru are a race of Oriental dwarves. Living in vast jungles, snowy mountain forests, or baren wilderness areas, they seldom come into contact with humans. Korobokuru prefer remote and forbidding sites of great natural beauty. There they live in simple villages or camps moving only when forced to by the advancement of human settlements.
In appearance korobokuru are about four feet tall, with arms and legs slighly longer in proportion to their bodies than a human's. Most are bow-legged. Their arms and legs are hary, and the men have sparse beards. They have a wild, unkempt appearance. The majority are chaotic or neutral, although they have no alignment restrictions.
Culturally, korobokuru are much less advanced than their human neighbors. They hunt and tend small farms in secluded areas, and create simple pieces of art and crafts. They normally avoid human contact. Because of this (and the conceit of humans), humans consider korobokuru to be backward primitives, and rarely accept them as full members of human society. They are typically seen as rude, pugnacious, boastful, and somewhat comical by the rest of the world.
Korobokuru organize themselves into families and clans much the same way humans do. Player Characters must belond to a family, either assigned by the DM or designed by the player.
Korobokuru Racial Abilities
Identify Plants and Animals Melee Combat Infravision Saving Throw Bonuses
- Constitution/Health Bonus (10): A Constitution/Health score bonuse of +1.
- Identify Plants and Animals(5): Korobokuru have a 2 in 6 ID plants & animals.
- Infravision (20): Korobokuru have infravision to 120 feet-the ability to see heat patterns given off by living warm blooded creatures. >
- Melee Combat (10): Korobokuru gain a +1 to hit goblins, hobgoblins, bakemono, goblin rats; -4 AC vs. giants, oni, ogres, ogre magi and titans.
- More Muscle (10): +1 to the Muscle subability score. This allows a korobokuru to have more than a 4 point difference in Strength subabilities.
- Saving Throw Bonuses (10): Korobokuru gain bonuses to saving throws vs. Poison and against magical attacks from rods, wands, and spells based on their Constitution/Health scores. Determine the Korobokuru's Constitution/Health score and consult the chart below:
Score Bonus 4-6 +1 7-10 +2 11-13 +3 14-17 +4 18-21 +5 22-25 +6
Spirit Folk
Character Point Cost: 50
Spirit folk are the descendants of humans and various spirits of nature. There are three distinct races of spirit folk-bamboo, river, and sea spirit folk. All have very strong ties to both the natural world and the society of humans.
In appearance, spirit folk seem extremely human. Their eyes are slender and their mouths are small. Their eyebrows are very thin and their complexions are very pale or golden. The men are always smoth-shaven, without beards or mustaches. They appear in all the diversity of humans, but all radiate a robust love of life and nature. Many come close to the ideal of human beauty in society.
Because part of their ancestry is human, all spirit folk must belong to a family or clan. They can, therefore, hold land and establish a family if this is allowed by their character class and level. However, spirit folk have an additional responsibility to their spirit lord-the Lord of the Woods, the Lord of the Rivers, or the Lord of the Sea. While the spirit folk can never obtain honor from the actions of this spirit lord, they are required to answer and obey his summons. Failing to do so, or acting in a manner that dishonors the spirit lord, will be punished by natural disasters visited on the spirit folk and its family. In cases where the human family's and the spirit lord's interests conflice, spirit folk are expected to support their spirit lord first.
Bamboo Spirit Folk Infravision Identify Plants Identify Animals Saving Throw Bonus Shadow Area Association (a particular Bamboo Grove) Speak Language (Animals) River Spirit Folk Infravision Lower Water Saving Throw Bonus Area Association (a particular river) Swimming Sea Spirit Folk Swimming Predict Weather Favor Saving Throw Bonus
Custom Spirit Folk Example:
Bamboo Spirit Folk +1 save vs. Wood/Nature and Earth/Metal (10 CP) 120' Infravision (20) ID Plants & Animals (10) Shadow (10) Speak Languages (10) Tied to Bamboo Grove (-10) TOTAL: 50 CP
- Area Association (-10): The character is tied to a specific area (eg, bamboo grove, river, etc.). If any Harm comes to this area it will damage the character making him weaker (fewer hit points and reduced ability scores). Destroying their area will kill a spirit folk.
- Dryness (10): All items remain dry when swimming/submerged.
- Favor (10) Once per year, the character may call on a favour from Spirit Lord.
- Identify Plants (5): Spirit Folk can identify normal plants on 3 in 4.
- Identify Animals (5): Spirit Folk can identify normal animals on 3 in 6.
- Infravision (20): Spirit Folk have infravision to 120 feet.
- Lower water (10): The character has the ability to lower water 10 feet once a day for 5 rounds.
- Predict weather (10): The character has the ability to predict weather once per day.
- Shadow (10): When the spirit folk is traveling with others (inclucing other spirit folk), a modifier of -4 is applied to all attempts to follow the group's trail.
- Saving Throw Bonus (5+): Spirit Folk gain a +1 save vs. spells, rods, staves, wands and miscellaneous magic items involving the particular element. The cost is 5 per element with the possibility of only one element (Wind, Earth/Metal, Fire, Water, Wood/Nature).
- Speak Languages (10): The character may speak the languages of either fish or animals.
- Swimming (5): The character may swim perfectly.
- Water Breathing (5): The character has the ability to breath in either salt or fresh water.
- Per +1 Ability Score (10)
- Per -1 Ability Score (-10)
For custom Spirit Folk Only
Racial Level Limits
Class Korobokuru Hengeyokai Human Spirit Folk Barbarian 10 - U - Bushi U U U U Kensai - 6 U 9 Monk - - 17 17 Ninja - - U - Priest 9 8 U 11 Psionicist 8 7 U 7 Samurai 6 - U 12 Shukenja - 8 U - Sohei - - U - Wu-Jen 7 9 U - Yakuza 10 - U -
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Copyright © 1998-2006 Phillip Riley
Last Updated Sat Aug 11, 2007